3 Simple Moves to Develop Explosive Power
This is a huge training component for Athletic Performance on and off the training field. First we need to understand that “power” refers to moving or traveling with great force. Every dunk, Jump, intercepted pass, explosive cut or just the ability to stop and start involves power.
Power is one of the main driving forces behind elite athletic performance. Here is what to do.
This is a staple in all athlete training programs. Always understand the biomechanics of your body first before starting with proper percentages. These can be done during your offseason, in-season or deload phase (small window in a program for recovery). When you want to develop power start with a buildup set and then working sets to follow.
Start with feet slightly wider with hip width and toes at 45 degrees turned out. As you drive your hips back, drop into the Squat. When you reach a comfortable place—preferably 90 degrees with thighs parallel to the floor—hold and then start the lift back up. With heels and hamstrings pushing all of the weight up, keep chest tall and eyes straight ahead. Push Hard! Here is a good starting point for a set/rep scheme:
- Sets 3-5
- Reps 2-4
- Tempo (speed of movement) 1-1 or 1-3 [work to rest]
This movement, like the Squat, has been around for ages. This is one of what the strength and performance world would call the Staple of Power. This movement also can be used throughout a calendar year for training in most all sports.
Always approach the bar with focus and a clear mind. Foot placement is similar to that of the Squat. Push back and pull straight up with a flat back. If you feel the back arch or if your form breaks, the weight is too much. The key to this lift is to lock out at the top and control all the energy with lower back, hamstrings and core.
- Sets 4-6
- Reps 2- 4
- Tempo 1-1 (Speed)
Single-Leg Split Jump
Last stop, is with the jump training family. Great for single-leg Power development and for single-leg-dominated sports, all sports that involve sprinting or jumping, this movement is key. It’s another high-volume, high-velocity movement that can be executed throughout a training calendar year. Be mindful of proper landing techniques when training this movement: Soft ladings are great landings.
Start in a deep Lunge position. As you jump straight up, switch feet and land under control but now the opposite foot is in front. Repeat 4-6 reps each leg. Another point to remember, keep knee behind your front toe, and strict form is always safer than height of each jump. As you get more efficient, hold dumbbells or load your back with a straight bar.
- Sets- 3-5
- Reps 4-6 Each Leg
- Tempo 1-1 1-3
3 Simple Moves to Develop Explosive Power
This is a huge training component for Athletic Performance on and off the training field. First we need to understand that “power” refers to moving or traveling with great force. Every dunk, Jump, intercepted pass, explosive cut or just the ability to stop and start involves power.
Power is one of the main driving forces behind elite athletic performance. Here is what to do.
This is a staple in all athlete training programs. Always understand the biomechanics of your body first before starting with proper percentages. These can be done during your offseason, in-season or deload phase (small window in a program for recovery). When you want to develop power start with a buildup set and then working sets to follow.
Start with feet slightly wider with hip width and toes at 45 degrees turned out. As you drive your hips back, drop into the Squat. When you reach a comfortable place—preferably 90 degrees with thighs parallel to the floor—hold and then start the lift back up. With heels and hamstrings pushing all of the weight up, keep chest tall and eyes straight ahead. Push Hard! Here is a good starting point for a set/rep scheme:
- Sets 3-5
- Reps 2-4
- Tempo (speed of movement) 1-1 or 1-3 [work to rest]
This movement, like the Squat, has been around for ages. This is one of what the strength and performance world would call the Staple of Power. This movement also can be used throughout a calendar year for training in most all sports.
Always approach the bar with focus and a clear mind. Foot placement is similar to that of the Squat. Push back and pull straight up with a flat back. If you feel the back arch or if your form breaks, the weight is too much. The key to this lift is to lock out at the top and control all the energy with lower back, hamstrings and core.
- Sets 4-6
- Reps 2- 4
- Tempo 1-1 (Speed)
Single-Leg Split Jump
Last stop, is with the jump training family. Great for single-leg Power development and for single-leg-dominated sports, all sports that involve sprinting or jumping, this movement is key. It’s another high-volume, high-velocity movement that can be executed throughout a training calendar year. Be mindful of proper landing techniques when training this movement: Soft ladings are great landings.
Start in a deep Lunge position. As you jump straight up, switch feet and land under control but now the opposite foot is in front. Repeat 4-6 reps each leg. Another point to remember, keep knee behind your front toe, and strict form is always safer than height of each jump. As you get more efficient, hold dumbbells or load your back with a straight bar.
- Sets- 3-5
- Reps 4-6 Each Leg
- Tempo 1-1 1-3