36 Basketball Drills to Take Your Game to the Next Level
One of the biggest keys to success for an athlete is consistency. If you dedicate three or more days a week to training, then after a couple of months, you’re going to see noticeable improvement in your abilities as a basketball player.
During the season, you have a lot of responsibilities that require your focus and energy, so the off-season is the perfect time to work on your weaknesses to develop your game. The first step with any program is figuring out what you’re going to work on. (Try Oak Hill Academy Pre-Season Basketball Workout Program.) Make a list of your weakness, how you think you can cure them, and the goals you want to achieve before the next season. Once that’s done, get in the gym and put in the work to becoming a better player.
Just do your best to stay committed and work hard every day. Use this great workout plan, which I designed for my high school team a couple of years ago and that helped them beat the 12th-ranked team in the nation.
Note: It’s best to lift with a partner—for safety as well as to motivate each other to work harder.
Basketball Ball Handling Drills
- One-Ball Basketball Dribbling Drills
- One-Ball Basketball Dribbling Drills (Stationary)
- Partner Tennis Ball Basketball Dribbling Drills
- Tennis Ball Basketball Dribbling Drills
- Tennis Ball Basketball Dribbling Drills (Stationary)
- Two-Ball Basketball Dribbling Drills
- Two-Ball Basketball Dribbling Drills (Stationary)
- Wall Basketball Dribbling Drills
- Wall Tennis Ball Dribbling Drill
Basketball Shooting Drills
- 3-Level Form Shooting Drill
- Touch Shots Curl Shooting Drill
- 3-Tier Basketball Shooting Drill
- 50 Makes Shooting Drill
- Box Drill Face-Up Shot
- On the Move Mid-Range Freeze Fake Shooting Drill
Basketball Passing Drills
- Bounce Pass Drill
- Chest Pass Dril
- Overhead Pass Drill
- Partner Passing Off the Dribble Drill
- Combo Move Partner Passing Drill
- Feeding the Post Passing Drill
Basketball Rebounding Drills
- 5-Spot Offensive Rebounding Drill
- David Thorpe Ball High Finish Rebounding Drill
- David Thorpe Shot Fake Finish Rebounding Drill
- Kevin Love Rebounding Drill
- Out of Area Catch Minute Finish Rebounding Drill
- Reaction Rebounding Drill
- Superman Rebounding Drill
- Superman Reverse Finish Rebounding Drill
- Tip Dunk Rebounding Drill
Basketball Finishing Drills
- 2-Ball Mikan Drill
- Box Drill Jab & Go
- Band Resisted Layups Drill
- 1 Dribble Behind the Back, Diamond Drill
- 2-Minute Combo Move Weak Hand Finish Drill
- Step Back Crossover to a Floater Finish Drill
photo: bodybuilding.com
36 Basketball Drills to Take Your Game to the Next Level
One of the biggest keys to success for an athlete is consistency. If you dedicate three or more days a week to training, then after a couple of months, you’re going to see noticeable improvement in your abilities as a basketball player.
During the season, you have a lot of responsibilities that require your focus and energy, so the off-season is the perfect time to work on your weaknesses to develop your game. The first step with any program is figuring out what you’re going to work on. (Try Oak Hill Academy Pre-Season Basketball Workout Program.) Make a list of your weakness, how you think you can cure them, and the goals you want to achieve before the next season. Once that’s done, get in the gym and put in the work to becoming a better player.
Just do your best to stay committed and work hard every day. Use this great workout plan, which I designed for my high school team a couple of years ago and that helped them beat the 12th-ranked team in the nation.
Note: It’s best to lift with a partner—for safety as well as to motivate each other to work harder.
Basketball Ball Handling Drills
- One-Ball Basketball Dribbling Drills
- One-Ball Basketball Dribbling Drills (Stationary)
- Partner Tennis Ball Basketball Dribbling Drills
- Tennis Ball Basketball Dribbling Drills
- Tennis Ball Basketball Dribbling Drills (Stationary)
- Two-Ball Basketball Dribbling Drills
- Two-Ball Basketball Dribbling Drills (Stationary)
- Wall Basketball Dribbling Drills
- Wall Tennis Ball Dribbling Drill
Basketball Shooting Drills
- 3-Level Form Shooting Drill
- Touch Shots Curl Shooting Drill
- 3-Tier Basketball Shooting Drill
- 50 Makes Shooting Drill
- Box Drill Face-Up Shot
- On the Move Mid-Range Freeze Fake Shooting Drill
Basketball Passing Drills
- Bounce Pass Drill
- Chest Pass Dril
- Overhead Pass Drill
- Partner Passing Off the Dribble Drill
- Combo Move Partner Passing Drill
- Feeding the Post Passing Drill
Basketball Rebounding Drills
- 5-Spot Offensive Rebounding Drill
- David Thorpe Ball High Finish Rebounding Drill
- David Thorpe Shot Fake Finish Rebounding Drill
- Kevin Love Rebounding Drill
- Out of Area Catch Minute Finish Rebounding Drill
- Reaction Rebounding Drill
- Superman Rebounding Drill
- Superman Reverse Finish Rebounding Drill
- Tip Dunk Rebounding Drill
Basketball Finishing Drills
- 2-Ball Mikan Drill
- Box Drill Jab & Go
- Band Resisted Layups Drill
- 1 Dribble Behind the Back, Diamond Drill
- 2-Minute Combo Move Weak Hand Finish Drill
- Step Back Crossover to a Floater Finish Drill
photo: bodybuilding.com