Antonio Brown Suspended 3 Games For Fake Vaccination Card
Antonio Brown was suspended three days for showing a fake vaccination card to the NFL. Although the NFL does not mandate the jab to the players, it has strict protocols to follow for the players who do not have the vaccine. The NFL says that you need to be tested every day without the shot and wear a mask around the facility. Arron Rodgers follows this protocol. Antonio Brown said he took the vaccine, which permitted him to be tested only once a week and not need to wear a mask.

Photo credit: Miguel Pobre
So, what gives here? Antonio’s ex-chef is the one who ratted him out. The chef says Antonio owes him $10,000 for his services. But some think that the chef knew about the fake card and is trying to extort money. So, no one knows yet whether he was actually owed money or if this is a form of extortion.
If not for the chef, the Bucs and the NFL would have never known that Antonio’s vax card was fake. The leagues and teams back up every vaccination card by cross-checking the numbers, spelling, signatures, LOT numbers of vaccination vials, etc. Brown was not the first NFL player where concerns were raised. There were other players and workers’ where misspellings and different numbers were found on their cards that did not match the official records.
If you follow the actual science and the players’ will, it is their choice. Having the vaccine does not mean you cannot get CV19 again. Look at what happened to LeBron James. Fully vaccinated, got it again. That means he can spread Covid-19 while vaccinated. So, what is the difference between not being vaccinated and being asymptomatic? Spread is spread. And in the case of Arron Rodgers, it does not make sense either. He wears a mask around the facility but while not playing on the field. Covid-19 has not severely or even moderately affected the NFL. And, yes probably primarily due to vaccinations. They do work.
I understand the concerns about the vaccination and that many players are particular about what they put in their bodies. However, Covid-19 spreads with or without the vaccination. The vaccination will protect and lessen a players’ symptoms. But you have to respect a player’s decision who does not want to be vaccinated. And the NFL has respected that by providing two ways to follow. However, the NFL has noticed no Covid-19 outbreaks or instances from the 20% who were vaccinated off-site and have possibly fake cards versus those who were vaccinated on-site.
95% of the NFL is vaccinated. Out of that 95%, 20% of the players were vaccinated off-site. That means about 1 out of 4 to 5 players have received vaccination off-site. The NFL said that there are no previous or present investigations looking into fake vaccination cards nor going to look any further. NFL is going into the play-offs soon. And probably any investigation or finding fake cards now may not sit well with the fans.
Mike Edwards and John Franklin III, two other Bucs, were also suspended for three games.
Antonio Brown Suspended 3 Games For Fake Vaccination Card
Antonio Brown was suspended three days for showing a fake vaccination card to the NFL. Although the NFL does not mandate the jab to the players, it has strict protocols to follow for the players who do not have the vaccine. The NFL says that you need to be tested every day without the shot and wear a mask around the facility. Arron Rodgers follows this protocol. Antonio Brown said he took the vaccine, which permitted him to be tested only once a week and not need to wear a mask.

Photo credit: Miguel Pobre
So, what gives here? Antonio’s ex-chef is the one who ratted him out. The chef says Antonio owes him $10,000 for his services. But some think that the chef knew about the fake card and is trying to extort money. So, no one knows yet whether he was actually owed money or if this is a form of extortion.
If not for the chef, the Bucs and the NFL would have never known that Antonio’s vax card was fake. The leagues and teams back up every vaccination card by cross-checking the numbers, spelling, signatures, LOT numbers of vaccination vials, etc. Brown was not the first NFL player where concerns were raised. There were other players and workers’ where misspellings and different numbers were found on their cards that did not match the official records.
If you follow the actual science and the players’ will, it is their choice. Having the vaccine does not mean you cannot get CV19 again. Look at what happened to LeBron James. Fully vaccinated, got it again. That means he can spread Covid-19 while vaccinated. So, what is the difference between not being vaccinated and being asymptomatic? Spread is spread. And in the case of Arron Rodgers, it does not make sense either. He wears a mask around the facility but while not playing on the field. Covid-19 has not severely or even moderately affected the NFL. And, yes probably primarily due to vaccinations. They do work.
I understand the concerns about the vaccination and that many players are particular about what they put in their bodies. However, Covid-19 spreads with or without the vaccination. The vaccination will protect and lessen a players’ symptoms. But you have to respect a player’s decision who does not want to be vaccinated. And the NFL has respected that by providing two ways to follow. However, the NFL has noticed no Covid-19 outbreaks or instances from the 20% who were vaccinated off-site and have possibly fake cards versus those who were vaccinated on-site.
95% of the NFL is vaccinated. Out of that 95%, 20% of the players were vaccinated off-site. That means about 1 out of 4 to 5 players have received vaccination off-site. The NFL said that there are no previous or present investigations looking into fake vaccination cards nor going to look any further. NFL is going into the play-offs soon. And probably any investigation or finding fake cards now may not sit well with the fans.
Mike Edwards and John Franklin III, two other Bucs, were also suspended for three games.