Appear on SportsCenter in the “adidas X #NewSpeed Mix Tape: Volume II”
adidas has teamed up with ESPN for the adidas Sport 15 Create the #NewSpeed ad campaign, which gives athletes a chance to appear on SportsCenter and be featured in ESPN’s adidas X #NewSpeed Mix Tape: Volume II.
For a chance to win, entrants must make a video using the hashtag #NewSpeed and post it on one of their social media platforms. Follow the conversation on Twitter and Instagram via @adidasFballUS and adidas Football US on Facebook, using #NewSpeed and #teamadidas. For some examples, you can watch videos on SportsCenter following Monday Night Football on Oct. 12 and Oct. 19.
If you want to see yourself in the adidas X #NewSpeed Mix Tape: Volume II on SportsCenter on Oct. 27, submit your video before Oct. 21.
For inspiration, check out this video of the Create the #NewSpeed TV ad, featuring Jimmy Graham, DeMarco Murray and Sammy Watkins:
[youtube video=”QypkBliIEe4″ /]RECOMMENDED FOR YOU
Appear on SportsCenter in the “adidas X #NewSpeed Mix Tape: Volume II”
adidas has teamed up with ESPN for the adidas Sport 15 Create the #NewSpeed ad campaign, which gives athletes a chance to appear on SportsCenter and be featured in ESPN’s adidas X #NewSpeed Mix Tape: Volume II.
For a chance to win, entrants must make a video using the hashtag #NewSpeed and post it on one of their social media platforms. Follow the conversation on Twitter and Instagram via @adidasFballUS and adidas Football US on Facebook, using #NewSpeed and #teamadidas. For some examples, you can watch videos on SportsCenter following Monday Night Football on Oct. 12 and Oct. 19.
If you want to see yourself in the adidas X #NewSpeed Mix Tape: Volume II on SportsCenter on Oct. 27, submit your video before Oct. 21.
For inspiration, check out this video of the Create the #NewSpeed TV ad, featuring Jimmy Graham, DeMarco Murray and Sammy Watkins:
[youtube video=”QypkBliIEe4″ /]