5 Don’ts of Social Media For Athletes

Photo via AP
Over the past decade, the exponential growth of social media and smart phones have made being an athlete a dangerous profession. Your every move on the field or court is scrutinized, and your activities and behavior off the field are under an even finer microscope. Plenty of athletes have succumbed to the pressures of keeping it clean, making social media mistakes that have led to fines, suspensions and, maybe worst of all, humiliation. Don’t be that guy! View the slideshow to learn five simple rules that will ensure your experience as an athlete doesn’t end up being immortalized in an embarrassing screenshot on the Internet.
5 Don’ts of Social Media For Athletes

Photo via AP
Over the past decade, the exponential growth of social media and smart phones have made being an athlete a dangerous profession. Your every move on the field or court is scrutinized, and your activities and behavior off the field are under an even finer microscope. Plenty of athletes have succumbed to the pressures of keeping it clean, making social media mistakes that have led to fines, suspensions and, maybe worst of all, humiliation. Don’t be that guy! View the slideshow to learn five simple rules that will ensure your experience as an athlete doesn’t end up being immortalized in an embarrassing screenshot on the Internet.