3 Ways to Elevate Your Golf Mental Game
Golf is a game that we commonly think is played on a 300 yard fairway. In reality its, however, often its played across a six-inch space between your...
4 Things Every Sports Parent Should Do After a Game
Parenting an athlete. Sounds fun and simple, right? Just get them to practice on time, eat well, sleep enough, and cheer them on from the stands....
3 Sport Psychology Hacks That Can Help Prevent Injuries
Adrienne Langelier, MA Sport Psychology Consultant April 2017 Injuries are painful. Injuries are unfortunate. Injuries never happen at a good time....
3 Breathing Techniques for Athletes to Improve Focus and Relaxation
3 Breathing Techniques for Focus and Relaxation Adrienne Langelier, MA, LPC Relaxed intensity. What in the world does that mean? As contradictory as it...