How To Increase Your At-Home Training Intensity For Your Sport
.With the pandemic, many gyms closed and, most of us are restricted to training at home. It's difficult not being able to train with our teammates, and we have limited [...]
The Best Instant Noodles on the Market
When many think about "instant noodles," they may first gravitate towards ramen noodles. These noodles are absolutely instant, cooking in only three minutes. They are also easy to make, only [...]
The Surprising Impact Your Gut Has on Mental Health
We think so much about nutrition when it comes to our physical health, such as how many calories or grams of protein we need to consume to gain this much [...]
Fermented Foods: The Performance-Enhancing Substance Athletes Overlook
An increasing amount of research is showing that your gut health has far-reaching impacts throughout the body. Improved gut health has been found to correlate with a reduced risk of [...]
Q&A With Dr. Joel Seedman: How to Develop Your Own Training System
This article is Part 2 of a transcript of an interview with expert strength and conditioning coach, Dr. Joel Seedman of Advanced Human Performance. The...
Q&A With Dr. Joel Seedman: How to Learn and Evolve as a Strength Coach
Dr. Joel Seedman is considered to be an expert in the field of strength and conditioning (S&C) coaching. Dr. Seedman has over 13 years of personal and...