Why Resistance Band Exercises Are More Valuable Than You Think
There’s a misconception in the fitness community about resistance bands. Not everyone sees them as the challenging, valuable, and versatile tools that they are. Some might view them as “booty [...]
5 Benefits of Quick Intermittent Workouts
Did you know that exercising for 5 to 20 minutes several times a day can be just as effective as completing one 45 to 60-minute workout? In fact, shorter bouts [...]
3 Foods That Belong on Your Shopping List (and 3 That Don’t)
Losing weight and building lean muscle doesn't have to be hard or painful. It's not about restriction and sacrifice. And it's not about starving yourself or spending hours in the [...]
The 4 Types of Personal Trainers
Personal training has never been more accessible, profitable, and popular. Backed by studies showing how effective it is for changing client behavior and health, the number of personal trainers continues [...]
4 Benefits You’re Missing By Not Having a Foam Roller
Are you tired of feeling tight, stiff, and sore after a workout, or feeling this way in general? We’ve all been there. A deep tissue massage is a wonderful remedy [...]
5 Methods to Build Lean Muscle with Bodyweight Tempo Training
Regardless of your reason to exercise at home, be it to save money, save time, or perhaps coronavirus related, bodyweight exercises are likely one of your go-to’s. Even though they [...]