Why Intermittent Fasting Doesn’t Always Make Sense for Female Athletes
Many of you have probably heard about intermittent fasting, a specific type of fasting associated with a slew of health benefits, including weight loss. And it all sounds pretty easy. [...]
The Real Dangers of Energy Deficiency in Female Athletes
In 1972, a short but powerful federal law was passed: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the [...]
I’m Barely Eating But My Body Isn’t Changing. Why?
Tells me if this sounds familiar... You are a female athlete. You train hard, and do so 5-6 days a week. You want to be in your BEST shape for [...]
Why You’re Probably Doing Way Too Much Foam Rolling
Let's dig into what qualifies as foam rolling, why it works and what it's best used for.
The New Food Pyramid for Female Athletes
I love talking to female athletes who want to eat healthy and make better decisions when it comes to fueling for their performance. But I often find these girls asking [...]
How Static Stretching Changes Your Body (and Not Always for the Better)
I hear it from coaches and parents all the time: "Make sure you stretch! All these girls keep getting injured because they aren’t stretching!" Although static stretching before training and [...]