Josh Henkin

Josh Henkin, CSCS Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, has been in the fitness industry for over 20 years. He has worked with a variety of sports, with athletes from the NBA, NHL, and NFL, as well as high school athletes. Over the years, Josh has written over 100 articles for various publications, such as Men’s Health, T-Nation and He's also a contributor to the clinical book, “Building Robustness for Return to Sport and Activity”. He is the author of “DVRT System: For Dynamic Power, Superior Athletic Performance and Enduring Strength” and has authored many articles on the topics of functional based training and performance enhancement. Josh has a great passion for teaching, as he has lectured at some of the top fitness conferences in the US, such as those of the National Academy of Sports Medicine, the National Strength & Conditioning Association, and Perform Better. He is highly sought after for his innovative functional training concepts that combine current science and real-world application. His work has led him to consult with the U.S. Marines and top performance/fitness facilities.