The Ectomorph Workout Program: Building Muscle for the ‘Skinny Guy’
Are you usually the last one picked when it's game time? Have you often been referred to as the "skinny guy?" Was high school a day-to-day heckling of...
4 Unconventional Exercises for Insane Functional Strength
Trainers, coaches and conditioning specialists alike know the importance of sport-specific training. Sport-specific training is the philosophy of employing exercises and movement patterns that have large translation to an athlete's [...]
How to Build Shoulder Workouts That Will Make You Big and Athletic
In this article I discuss shoulder workouts and training for aesthetics and performance. When it comes to training most people do so for one of two...
The 5 Essential Sports Supplements
As a physique contest prep coach and personal trainer I get asked all the time "what sports supplements should I take to _____ (insert gratuitious ad...
The 4 Rules of Bulking Up
Well, it's that time of year again. You know, turkey dinners and family get togethers. The time where NOT putting on weight is considered a success. The...
4 Easy Fixes for Your Bench Press Routine
So you've probably been in this scenario before, chit chatting about sports and working out with a new acquitance, and just as commonplace as handshakes...