Killer Plank Workout for Athletes
A plank workout should consist of isometric exercises that targets the abs, hips, glutes, erector spinae- low back muscles, and shoulders. The abs have...
Jump and Shred: Jump Rope Workouts for Conditioning and Strength
Do you want a simple, low cost, tool that will improve conditioning, stamina, footwork, and fullbody muscular endurance? Then go out and get a jump...
3 Quad Exercises for Athletes, Not Bodybuilders
The quadricep muscles are positioned in front of the leg and consist of vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, and rectus femoris. All...
Build Healthy Shoulders With 5 Rotator Cuff-Strengthening Exercises
The rotator cuff consists of four small muscles - infraspinatus, supraspinatus, subscapularus, teres minor - that help to stabilize the shoulder joint...
Speed Up Your Recovery with this Full-Body Stretch Routine
Rest days are critical to maintaining your flexibility and range of motion. They are also important for recovery from a workout. To help speed up...