Fundamental Elements of Vision Training
Most athletes think that if they don't have to wear eyeglasses, they have perfect vision. However, optimal vision is more complicated than that. I like to think of vision as [...]
Improve Your Vision With a Nutrition Supplement
Many athletes take their vision for granted, unaware that there are simple, natural ways to maintain healthy eyes and improve athletic performance. An integral part of a full training regimen, [...]
How to Protect Your Eyes During the Summer
With summer coming, athletes will spend more time outdoors enjoying their sport and leisure activities, so summer eye protection is a must. Many people risk eye injury with increased exposure to [...]
Vision Training: Four-Corner Fixation Drill
Eye fixations, also known as saccades, are jumping eye movements in which your eyes look from one spot or object to another on the field or court. They are distinguished [...]
Improve Sports Performance With Vision Training: The Flashlight Chase Drill
In my previous articles on, I've discussed the importance of sports vision training and have offered up numerous drills to help various aspects of your game. Here I present [...]
Optimize Sports Performance With an Eye Stretching Drill
Eye Stretches: a vision training drill that develops some of the eye movement skills you need to optimize your sports performance. Eye Stretches help build strength, range, flexibility and stamina [...]