Military Training and Performance Measurements Cross Over to the Mainstream
Look at the class schedule for the local YMCA and you are bound to see classes like Bootcamp, Combat Training and other military-type training classes....
Out of Vanuatu: Beach Volleyball Tips from the Pacific Islands
The island nation of the Republic of Vanuatu isn't what you would call an athletic hotbed. Located in the middle of the South Pacific, Vanuatu has a...
Does Performance Tape Really Work?
Athletes around the world are taping up. The movement exploded during the 2012 London Olympics, when Serena Williams and David Beckham showed up to compete wearing various forms of biomechanical [...]
What is Plantar Fasciitis and How to Fix It
Plantar fasciitis is a common injury experienced by runners that results in heel pain, which can range from mild to debilitating depending on the severity of the injury. The plantar [...]
Street Smarts: A Feisty Newcomer Sets Out to Transform the Uniform Market
Rob Grabow, founder of Seattle-based Intrepid Sportswear, isn't the type of CEO who sits in a big corner office barking out orders. He's more often found shooting hoops, playing ping-pong, [...]