What’s More Important For Athletes: Technique or Weight?
Kids don't need to max out in the weight room. And if they are going to push maximum weights, they better earn that right before they do. I've written on [...]
5 Tips To Avoid Coaching Burnout
I should have seen the signs a mile away: Anger, anxiety, depression, sleepless nights, and fatigue. I have a daily planner on my bookshelf that serves as a journal, and [...]
Why Kids Need Risky Play
I want you to look at the above playground from my hometown, and tell me what you see wrong with it? I know it's hard to guess because you can't [...]
Coaching Kids? Use These 3 Tips to Connect With Them Better
Connecting with kids can be tough. Especially when it's been decades since you've been one. If you work with youth athletes in any role, understanding how to communicate effectively with [...]
Let Them Be Barefoot: The Importance of Kids Going Shoe-Less
There are 206 bones in your body. These bones are held together and can move through time and space thanks to a nervous system that controls over 600 muscles. However, [...]
Why My High School Athletes Must Earn the Right to Max Out
There’s been a recent uptick in the number of social media videos showcasing high school kids lifting with bad form. Kids are maxing out on Cleans, Squats and Deadlifts in [...]