Top 5 Upper Trap Exercises You’ve Never Heard Of
Having a set of well-developed traps sitting on top of your shoulders is impressive to look at and can really echance the look of a muscular upper body....
Top 5 Leg-Strengthening Exercises for Runners
I often get asked about leg strengthening exercises for runners, so in this article I'm giving you the technique and aplllication for my top 5 lower...
Why You Should Train With a Tire Prowler (And How to Make Your Own)
It's no secret that Sled training is a very effective method for building bigger, and stronger legs while also drastically improving your level of...
Back Squat Technique: How to Hold the Barbell
The Back Squat is one of the best exercises to build lower-body strength and power. You may have learned proper Back Squat technique, but did anyone ever teach you how [...]
Time Your Recovery to Build Muscle
Have you ever tried to build muscle and got into a heated argument with a local gym rat about the best approach? If so, you're not alone. There are many [...]
Is This the Best Ab Exercise?
It’s a common sight in a gym to see someone performing Physioball Crunches or similar trunk flexion exercises. They burn like Hades and are the only way to target your [...]