Does Your Pitching Velocity Dip During the Season? Here’s Why
A high school pitcher trains his butt off during the offseason but stops completely when the season actually begins. I see it all too often. In my opinion, the in-season [...]
4 Things That Every Young Pitcher Should Address
We're looking to build pitchers who can compete at a high level in high school and beyond, and long-term athletic development is the key to succeeding in this approach.
Velocity-Based Training 101: How Force, Velocity and Power Relate to Athleticism
Baseball is an explosive sport where things happen fast and hard. This requires massive amounts of power, and finding the best methods to get our athletes there is our number [...]
How to Increase Your Bat Speed by Increasing Your Mobility
A few months back, I sat down and watched our hitting instructor, Coach Mike Rozema, give a hitting lesson. While listening to his cues, I tried to pinpoint some physical [...]
Baseball Players: Use These Exercises to Improve Your Bat Speed
With the world of scouting and recruiting focused on metrics now more than ever, bat speed matters. A higher bat speed also means harder contact, so it should be a [...]
The Baseball Strength-Speed Continuum: The Phases of a Successful Offseason
Setting athletes up for success in their respective sport requires not only great programming, but great timing in regard to where a player is in their training year. Let’s face [...]