3 Simple Tips to Improve Your 40-Yard Dash
3 Tips to Improve Your 40 From working nearly 100 football camps across the country, I commonly see athletes who seem uneducated on how to run the 40....
Jeris Pendleton’s Tough Journey to the NFL
Jeris Pendleton's Tough Journey to the NFL Jeris Pendleton could write a book on what not to do to make it to the NFL and somehow, against all odds, he...
Why You Should Consider Post-Grad Prep School for Football
You can graduate high school and not go right to college? Post-grad (PG) prep school for Football? Yes, that's a thing and it here are some names you...
Tips to Be a Better Leader
Everyone is meant to lead in their own way, be it by example or by being a captain. Both are important. Here are some tips on how you can hone [...]
Football Players: Here’s What You Should Be Doing Right Now
Football season is just around the corner. Here are some things every high school football player should be doing right now. Strength and Conditioning Training If your school team has [...]
Don’t Let Social Media Ruin Your Sports Potential
What you post on social media can seriously affect the way coaches, teams and schools regard you during recruiting. You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again: anything you [...]