Why Every Athlete Needs Aerobic Training
All forms of exercise can generally be grouped into one of two categories: aerobic or anaerobic. Anaerobic forms of exercise feature short yet intense bursts of high-effort movement. You can [...]
10 Things You Need to Know to Burn More Body Fat
Consider this article your quick guide to fat burning and getting lean. Whether you're looking to get in better shape for your sport or simply want to get your summer [...]
Hack Your Biology and Increase Your Vertical Jump With the Depth Drop to Box Jump
The best way to improve your vertical jump is by doing plyometric training. This type of training includes ballistic hops, skips and jumps that enhance the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) in [...]
Play Your Best With This 3-Exercise Basketball Warm-Up
For as much time and energy basketball players put into honing their games, few realize the impact a proper warm-up can have on their performance. The good news is that [...]
Is Single-Leg Strength Training Right for You?
The unilateral versus bilateral training debate is just about as controversial as what came first, the chicken or the egg? If you were to ask personal trainers, fitness coaches or [...]
Master the Stretch-Shortening Cycle to Sprint Faster and Jump Higher
When you hear the term “plyometric,” you might think of jumping or jump training. However, plyometric is defined as an action that causes a muscle to reach maximal force in [...]