Improve Your Bench Press With Perfect Push-Up Form
The first question you probably get asked in the weight room is, "How much do you Bench?" More important questions might be asked later on, but the fact remains that [...]
How to Perform Olympic Lifts, Part 3: Clean More Weight
In this three-part series on Olympic lifting, we explain the correct technique for these complicated lifts. The first two posts focused on Hang Cleans and Power Cleans. Here, in Part [...]
How to Perform Olympic Lifts, Part 2: The Power Clean
In this three-part series on Olympic lifting, we will explain the correct technique for these complicated lifts. In Part 2, we focus on how to perform the Power Clean. As [...]
How to Perform Olympic Lifts, Part 1: Hang Clean Technique
In this three-part series on Olympic lifting, we will explain the correct technique for these complicated lifts. In Part 1, we focus on how to perform the Hang Clean. Explosive [...]
Explosive Strength and Power: The Keys to Jumping Higher and Being Faster
Getting faster and jumping higher are two highly-sought goals for athletes in training programs—and for good reason. Fast athletes leave opponents in the dust, recover the ball to make a [...]
Five Ways to Keep Progressing and Avoid Training Plateaus
Your training was moving along quite well, but recently your weight room numbers have stayed the same—or even gone down. You feel sluggish and just don’t feel like working out. [...]