How Dangerous Is Lifting Weights, Really?
For as long as I can remember, weight training has been largely viewed as a dangerous activity. The first bite of this reality was served to me as a young [...]
How Heavy Sled Drags Help Hockey Players Skate Faster
Several studies have now found resisted sprinting to be an effective method for enhancing acceleration. Many of these studies investigated the impact of loading a sled with anywhere between 5-80% [...]
How to Determine Your Optimal Bench Press Grip In Under 30 Seconds
No other exercise is as universally loved as the Barbell Bench Press. Its popularity remains at an all-time high among athletes and regular gym-goers alike. Unfortunately the Bench Press also [...]
The Surprising Reason Why You Should Always Use a Spotter When You Bench Press
With 225 pounds on the bar and a new rep max on the line, you lie down on the bench. The first five reps move as expected. Trouble starts around [...]
How to Build Serious Single-Leg Strength (And Why It’s So Important)
In a previous article, I established solid single-leg strength standards based on my many years of experience working with junior, D1 and pro hockey players. To recap, I consider split-squatting [...]
A Weak Lower Back Could Be Limiting Your Big Lifts. This Exercise Will Fix It Fast
The lower back is the linchpin in heavy lower-body movements. One look at the spinal erector development of Olympic weightlifters tells us how incredibly strong these muscles need to be [...]