The Ultimate Basketball Kettlebell Warm-Up
The game of basketball is all about controlling the ball while on the move. So the best way to warm up for a weight room basketball workout is with kettlebells. (See also Warm Up With Kettlebells.)
Kettlebells are perfect for basketball players, because the exercises closely mimic how you move when controlling the ball on the basketball court. Notice in the video that most of the kettlebell exercises are virtually identical to ball-handling skills.
The idea is to activate the muscles most frequently used by basketball players. This kettlebell warm-up will prepare you for your workout, build coordination and help prevent injury during these common movements. If you can perform them with a heavy kettlebell, a basketball will feel like a feather.
Turn Around
Pass kettlebell (12-16 kg) from one hand to the other in a circle around your waist.
Sets/Reps: 1×10 each direction
Hold kettlebell (8-12 kg) with both hands and rotate it in a circle around your head.
Sets/Reps: 1×10 each direction
Figure 8
Pass kettlebell (16-20 kg) from one hand to the other in a figure-8 pattern between your legs, bending your knees during each pass-through.
Sets/Reps: 1×12 each direction
Hold kettlebell (16-20 kg) with both hands at left hip. Lift kettlebell diagonally across chest, circle around back of head and lower to right hip. Repeat in opposite direction.
Sets/Rep: 2×10
Single-Arm Swing and Catch
Perform a single-arm kettlebell swing (12-16 kg) bringing bell to shoulder level at top of swing. Quickly release and then re-grasp handle on descent.
Sets/Reps: 1×10 each arm
Two-Hand Juggling
Perform a kettlebell swing (12-16 kg) and flip kettlebell 360 degrees at top of movement. Catch handle on descent (for advanced athletes only).
Sets/Reps: 3×8
Incorporate more kettlebell exercises into your basketball workout by browsing through our Kettlebell Exercise Library and check out the Ultimate Basketball Warm-Up.
The Ultimate Basketball Kettlebell Warm-Up
The game of basketball is all about controlling the ball while on the move. So the best way to warm up for a weight room basketball workout is with kettlebells. (See also Warm Up With Kettlebells.)
Kettlebells are perfect for basketball players, because the exercises closely mimic how you move when controlling the ball on the basketball court. Notice in the video that most of the kettlebell exercises are virtually identical to ball-handling skills.
The idea is to activate the muscles most frequently used by basketball players. This kettlebell warm-up will prepare you for your workout, build coordination and help prevent injury during these common movements. If you can perform them with a heavy kettlebell, a basketball will feel like a feather.
Turn Around
Pass kettlebell (12-16 kg) from one hand to the other in a circle around your waist.
Sets/Reps: 1×10 each direction
Hold kettlebell (8-12 kg) with both hands and rotate it in a circle around your head.
Sets/Reps: 1×10 each direction
Figure 8
Pass kettlebell (16-20 kg) from one hand to the other in a figure-8 pattern between your legs, bending your knees during each pass-through.
Sets/Reps: 1×12 each direction
Hold kettlebell (16-20 kg) with both hands at left hip. Lift kettlebell diagonally across chest, circle around back of head and lower to right hip. Repeat in opposite direction.
Sets/Rep: 2×10
Single-Arm Swing and Catch
Perform a single-arm kettlebell swing (12-16 kg) bringing bell to shoulder level at top of swing. Quickly release and then re-grasp handle on descent.
Sets/Reps: 1×10 each arm
Two-Hand Juggling
Perform a kettlebell swing (12-16 kg) and flip kettlebell 360 degrees at top of movement. Catch handle on descent (for advanced athletes only).
Sets/Reps: 3×8
Incorporate more kettlebell exercises into your basketball workout by browsing through our Kettlebell Exercise Library and check out the Ultimate Basketball Warm-Up.