Gaming Update: ‘Call of Duty: Ghosts’, ‘The Last Guardian’, ‘inFAMOUS: Second Son’
Next-generation consoles got some curiously sizable patches for Call of Duty: Ghosts; Sony talked about The Last Guardian; and Sucker Punch answered fans’ questions about the forthcoming InFAMOUS: Second Son.
PS4 & XBO Stability Patches Released for CoD: Ghosts
Both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One received stability patches for Ghosts last week. The patches were notable for their sizes—1.7 GB and 1.5 GB for the PS4 and XBO, respectively.
Asked about the unusually large files, Activision Support responded, “Unfortunately we don’t have information on why the patches are the sizes they are. File size varies by platform—PS4 and Xbox One [patches] will typically be larger than [their] predecessors since their hardware differs from the previous generation platforms. Newer consoles are able to handle more, be it improved graphics, or even support for Ground War, so when patches/games are released for these newer platforms, more data is required.”
In other news, “Devastation,” the next DLC for Call of Duty: Ghosts, will be released April 3 for Xbox.
Sony: There’s Still Hope for The Last Guardian
Remember all the hype that surrounded The Last Guardian back in 2011, when it was first slated to hit shelves? Most gamers have since given up hope of ever seeing the PlayStation exclusive. But according to Sony, the game is still “absolutely in the mix.”
During a discussion with IGN, Sony exec Scott Rohde said the company appreciates the continued interest in the title, and they are still working on the game. “I love that people are still interested in it,” Rohde said. “That’s an honor to us. That’s not just me spinning. It’s really cool that people are still interested in it, and we’re trying to make the best thing we can out of The Last Guardian.”
He wouldn’t confirm whether the title would be released on the PS4, but he added, “that is a title that’s absolutely in the mix at Worldwide Studios. That’s the most you’re gonna get.”
InFAMOUS: Second Son Won’t Support User-Created Content
In an article posted on the official PlayStation blog, where he addressed questions from fans, Second Son producer Brian Fleming revealed the title will not support user-created content as did its 2011 predecessor, inFAMOUS 2. The feature, which allowed gamers to create their own levels and missions, was not popular in inFAMOUS 2. GameSpot reported that GDC design director Chris Zimmerman estimated only about 5 percent of users created content for the game.
Fleming also confirmed that a demo will not be released for the single-player title ahead of its March 21 arrival, and that playing previous installments isn’t necessary to enjoy the game. He said, “Second Son takes place seven years after the events of the first two games, so in a lot of ways there’s enough time separation that the game very much stands on its own. If you know a lot of detail about what happened in previous games, that might add some richness for you, but from a plot standpoint, it’s absolutely not required.”
Check out a preview video of the gameplay below.
[youtube video=”YuoaTagkgOI” /]RECOMMENDED FOR YOU
Gaming Update: ‘Call of Duty: Ghosts’, ‘The Last Guardian’, ‘inFAMOUS: Second Son’
Next-generation consoles got some curiously sizable patches for Call of Duty: Ghosts; Sony talked about The Last Guardian; and Sucker Punch answered fans’ questions about the forthcoming InFAMOUS: Second Son.
PS4 & XBO Stability Patches Released for CoD: Ghosts
Both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One received stability patches for Ghosts last week. The patches were notable for their sizes—1.7 GB and 1.5 GB for the PS4 and XBO, respectively.
Asked about the unusually large files, Activision Support responded, “Unfortunately we don’t have information on why the patches are the sizes they are. File size varies by platform—PS4 and Xbox One [patches] will typically be larger than [their] predecessors since their hardware differs from the previous generation platforms. Newer consoles are able to handle more, be it improved graphics, or even support for Ground War, so when patches/games are released for these newer platforms, more data is required.”
In other news, “Devastation,” the next DLC for Call of Duty: Ghosts, will be released April 3 for Xbox.
Sony: There’s Still Hope for The Last Guardian
Remember all the hype that surrounded The Last Guardian back in 2011, when it was first slated to hit shelves? Most gamers have since given up hope of ever seeing the PlayStation exclusive. But according to Sony, the game is still “absolutely in the mix.”
During a discussion with IGN, Sony exec Scott Rohde said the company appreciates the continued interest in the title, and they are still working on the game. “I love that people are still interested in it,” Rohde said. “That’s an honor to us. That’s not just me spinning. It’s really cool that people are still interested in it, and we’re trying to make the best thing we can out of The Last Guardian.”
He wouldn’t confirm whether the title would be released on the PS4, but he added, “that is a title that’s absolutely in the mix at Worldwide Studios. That’s the most you’re gonna get.”
InFAMOUS: Second Son Won’t Support User-Created Content
In an article posted on the official PlayStation blog, where he addressed questions from fans, Second Son producer Brian Fleming revealed the title will not support user-created content as did its 2011 predecessor, inFAMOUS 2. The feature, which allowed gamers to create their own levels and missions, was not popular in inFAMOUS 2. GameSpot reported that GDC design director Chris Zimmerman estimated only about 5 percent of users created content for the game.
Fleming also confirmed that a demo will not be released for the single-player title ahead of its March 21 arrival, and that playing previous installments isn’t necessary to enjoy the game. He said, “Second Son takes place seven years after the events of the first two games, so in a lot of ways there’s enough time separation that the game very much stands on its own. If you know a lot of detail about what happened in previous games, that might add some richness for you, but from a plot standpoint, it’s absolutely not required.”
Check out a preview video of the gameplay below.
[youtube video=”YuoaTagkgOI” /]