Why Female Runners Tend to Have Low Bone Mineral Density
In the field of exercise science, it is well-known that weight-bearing activity builds stronger bones. Yes, milk and supplements can help, but the body responds best to weight-bearing activities such [...]
Stay Off the Ground If You Want to Run Faster
Every country, race, and culture participate in sports. Some are more popular than others. In the United States, football is highly celebrated, yet the sport is near non-existent in the [...]
5 Exercises to Boost Your Speed
In order to be a successful athlete, you need to be fast. That's why we've put together a list of 5 exercises to improve your speed. These exercises are simple [...]
New Strength Training Methods to Boost Cross Country Performance
No longer is running for distance seen as a way to improve your 5K or 10K. Today, coaches and trainers use sprinting, speed, power, and explosive plyometric movements to boost [...]
Triathletes Need to Train Less and Lift More
All parents are encouraged to enroll their children in a variety of sports. Most kids do play a sport at a young age. There are the usual suspects of soccer, [...]
Should Cross Country Teams Run Together in Practice?
Running is one of the most common and certainly is the oldest form of exercise known to man. No matter what part of the country you find yourself in, you [...]
Tips for Running a Marathon and Half-Marathon from World Record holder Des Linden
Running a marathon is not easy. First, you must train your body and your training. It takes months to prepare your body physically, mentally, and nutritionally. And you must train [...]
5 Barefoot Exercises Every Runner Should Do
Every year, 75% of runners get injured at some point in a given year. The other 25% are lying. Now, if you run 1.75 miles each year before giving up [...]
Get Ready for Cross Country
Set Goals As with any sport, it’s a good idea to set goals in your sport. Write down what you want to achieve during the season and the training that [...]
Father Breaks Mile Record While Pushing a Stroller
A NEW WORLD RECORD! (WFLA News Channel 8 photograph) Picture it: Running on the track for a full mile. Thinking of one thing: to break the world record. Pounding the [...]