Hockey Players: Fix Your Bad Hips With These 3 Mobility Exercises
Tight, immobile hips bother practically every hockey player at all levels of competition. Being tight in the front of your hips can lead to a bunch of nasty side effects, [...]
Play Your Best With This 3-Exercise Basketball Warm-Up
For as much time and energy basketball players put into honing their games, few realize the impact a proper warm-up can have on their performance. The good news is that [...]
3 Resistance Band Exercises to Improve Posture and Heal Your Shoulders
These days, it’s hard to find anyone with truly good posture. Just think about how the majority of people spend their time: Students are likely found hunched over a desk [...]
3 Exercises to Finally Fix Your Tight Hip Flexors for Good
Tight hip flexors are a common complaint heard from athletes across all sports. Could it be from sitting in a desk for 8-plus hours a day if they are a [...]
Don’t Waste Your Time With These 3 Static Stretches; Do These Instead
When it comes to mobility, more is not always better. Flexibility, excessive range of motion and general joint laxity may make you a more limber athlete, but it doesn’t necessarily [...]
Train These Little-Known Hip Muscles for a Big Boost in Performance
It’s no secret we all have weaknesses that tend to cause problems in the weight room, on the field of play and in our daily lives. If you’re a an [...]
Recover From Your Workday With These 3 Foam Roller Tricks
No matter how much you exercise, office jobs are hard on the body. Tied to a desk, most of us will slump, hold our heads in uncomfortable positions and grow [...]
Unlock Tight Hips for Good With the Shin Box Stretch
Tight hips are an epidemic. In today’s increasingly sedentary society, most people are sitting for the majority of the day. Whether it’s behind a desk or in the car, it’s [...]
This Yoga Routine Will Get You in Shape for Ski Season
Train The Way You Play: Mimic the Movement Sport Yoga is a functional fitness program that replicates the unique demands of a particular sport. This...
Improve Your Golf Game With Zach Johnson’s Full-Body Strength and Mobility Workout
At 41 years old, Zach Johnson isn’t concerned about driving the ball farther than the young guns on the PGA Tour. With 26 pro wins, he’s perfectly fine relying on [...]