Check Out This 7-Foot-6 15-Year Old Basketball Player
Imagine warming up before a game with your team in layup lines. You glance over to check out the other team and see a 7-foot-6 player. The first thought in your mind might be, “no way can a 15-year old be that tall.” But there is a way, and his name is Robert Bobroczky.
Bobroczky plays for U16 Stella Azzurra Roma 2015, and he is everything opposing teams fear. He blocks shots and dunks without even leaving his feet. Watch him dominate and tower over every other player in the video below.
[youtube video=”ml9-nJmOw4s” /]RECOMMENDED FOR YOU
Check Out This 7-Foot-6 15-Year Old Basketball Player
Imagine warming up before a game with your team in layup lines. You glance over to check out the other team and see a 7-foot-6 player. The first thought in your mind might be, “no way can a 15-year old be that tall.” But there is a way, and his name is Robert Bobroczky.
Bobroczky plays for U16 Stella Azzurra Roma 2015, and he is everything opposing teams fear. He blocks shots and dunks without even leaving his feet. Watch him dominate and tower over every other player in the video below.