Curtis Granderson's Opening Day Power Source
Longing for some extra pop in your bat for the season debut?
Does Curtis Granderson of the New York Yankees hit opening day home runs? Granderson hit a go-ahead bomb in the seventh inning to push the Yanks past the Detroit Tigers yesterday. It was his third consecutive opening day dinger.
You, too, can develop home-run-hitting prowess by performing lower-body strength and core stability exercises. This formula helped Granderson club 20+ home runs in four consecutive seasons, dating back to his time with the Detroit Tigers. Not bad for the 6’1”, 185-pound center fielder.
Tigers strength coach and long-time Granderson confidant Javair Gillett prescribes three exercise complexes for building strength and explosiveness in the key power areas. Take a crack at the following time-efficient complexes, which Gillett says are great for in-season training. Perform in circuit fashion, with a one-minute rest.
Dumbbell Deadlift
- Assume athletic stance with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width
- Hold dumbbell with both hands between legs
- Sitting back with hips and keeping weight on heels, squat until dumbbell touches ground
- Drive up to starting position
- Repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 3×10
Coaching Points: Keep back straight and head up // Bend from hips and knees // Go through full range of motion
Physioball Plank
- Lie on back with legs extended and feet on physioball
- Raise hips, forming straight line from shoulders to feet
- Hold for 15-20 seconds
Sets: 3
Coaching Points: Maintain good form, keeping core and glutes tight
Kneeling Med Ball Rotation Throws
- Kneel on ground holding med ball in front of chest with arms extended
- Explosively rotate through core and throw med ball at wall
- Receive med ball and continuously repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 3×8-10 each side
Coaching Points: Keep core tight and lower body stable // Maintain good posture, keeping chest up and holding head still
Curtis Granderson's Opening Day Power Source
Longing for some extra pop in your bat for the season debut?
Does Curtis Granderson of the New York Yankees hit opening day home runs? Granderson hit a go-ahead bomb in the seventh inning to push the Yanks past the Detroit Tigers yesterday. It was his third consecutive opening day dinger.
You, too, can develop home-run-hitting prowess by performing lower-body strength and core stability exercises. This formula helped Granderson club 20+ home runs in four consecutive seasons, dating back to his time with the Detroit Tigers. Not bad for the 6’1”, 185-pound center fielder.
Tigers strength coach and long-time Granderson confidant Javair Gillett prescribes three exercise complexes for building strength and explosiveness in the key power areas. Take a crack at the following time-efficient complexes, which Gillett says are great for in-season training. Perform in circuit fashion, with a one-minute rest.
Dumbbell Deadlift
- Assume athletic stance with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width
- Hold dumbbell with both hands between legs
- Sitting back with hips and keeping weight on heels, squat until dumbbell touches ground
- Drive up to starting position
- Repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 3×10
Coaching Points: Keep back straight and head up // Bend from hips and knees // Go through full range of motion
Physioball Plank
- Lie on back with legs extended and feet on physioball
- Raise hips, forming straight line from shoulders to feet
- Hold for 15-20 seconds
Sets: 3
Coaching Points: Maintain good form, keeping core and glutes tight
Kneeling Med Ball Rotation Throws
- Kneel on ground holding med ball in front of chest with arms extended
- Explosively rotate through core and throw med ball at wall
- Receive med ball and continuously repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 3×8-10 each side
Coaching Points: Keep core tight and lower body stable // Maintain good posture, keeping chest up and holding head still