Develop Explosive Power With 3 Broad Jump Variations
The most explosive athletes in the world can jump over 11 feet. This is a pure expression of lower-body power, as your hips, knees and ankles extend to propel you into the air. You may never perform a jump like this in your sport, but it’s one of the best ways to become a powerful athlete.
Here are three Broad Jump variations that we use with our athletes. Incorporate one or two of these moves into your training to become a powerful and explosive athlete.
RELATED: 3 At-Home Broad Jump Exercises
1. Cannonball Chasers
You will need a medicine ball.
- Bring the ball to face height or slightly overhead and initiate a downward swing.
- As you reach the climax of the downswing, redirect that force (almost like you would with a Kettlebell Swing) and follow the momentum into a broad jump.
- Land in an athletic position without letting your knees cave inward (valgus movement) or falling forward.
2. Rebound Broad Jumps
This variation uses your own body weight to force a kinetic overload through the muscles. Performing it requires the use of a plyometric box or other elevated surface.
- Step onto the box—a height of 12 to 18 inches usually works well.
- Hop down (landing on both feet simultaneously), flex your knees slightly and explode forward into a Broad Jump.
- Land in an athletic position without letting your knees cave inward or falling forward.
RELATED: Speed Drill of the Day: Build Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers with the Broad Jump
3. Two-Way Broad Jumps
Like the Rebound Broad Jump (RBJ), this variation uses kinetic-loading via your own body weight. However, this version places more emphasis on horizontal energy displacement, in contrast to the more vertical forces of the RBJ.
- Start by jumping backwards, typically landing 1-1/2 to 2 feet away from where you began.
- Upon landing, redirect your energy forward into a traditional Broad Jump, landing in the athletic position and being careful to avoid valgus knee movement or falling forward.
The athlete in this video, Cassius Sendish, a 2014 All Big 12 safety out of the University of Kansas, recorded a 9-foot, 10-inch Broad Jump at his NFL Pro Day in March 2015, but he has since made jumps near the 12-foot mark in recent workouts.
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Develop Explosive Power With 3 Broad Jump Variations
The most explosive athletes in the world can jump over 11 feet. This is a pure expression of lower-body power, as your hips, knees and ankles extend to propel you into the air. You may never perform a jump like this in your sport, but it’s one of the best ways to become a powerful athlete.
Here are three Broad Jump variations that we use with our athletes. Incorporate one or two of these moves into your training to become a powerful and explosive athlete.
RELATED: 3 At-Home Broad Jump Exercises
1. Cannonball Chasers
You will need a medicine ball.
- Bring the ball to face height or slightly overhead and initiate a downward swing.
- As you reach the climax of the downswing, redirect that force (almost like you would with a Kettlebell Swing) and follow the momentum into a broad jump.
- Land in an athletic position without letting your knees cave inward (valgus movement) or falling forward.
2. Rebound Broad Jumps
This variation uses your own body weight to force a kinetic overload through the muscles. Performing it requires the use of a plyometric box or other elevated surface.
- Step onto the box—a height of 12 to 18 inches usually works well.
- Hop down (landing on both feet simultaneously), flex your knees slightly and explode forward into a Broad Jump.
- Land in an athletic position without letting your knees cave inward or falling forward.
RELATED: Speed Drill of the Day: Build Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers with the Broad Jump
3. Two-Way Broad Jumps
Like the Rebound Broad Jump (RBJ), this variation uses kinetic-loading via your own body weight. However, this version places more emphasis on horizontal energy displacement, in contrast to the more vertical forces of the RBJ.
- Start by jumping backwards, typically landing 1-1/2 to 2 feet away from where you began.
- Upon landing, redirect your energy forward into a traditional Broad Jump, landing in the athletic position and being careful to avoid valgus knee movement or falling forward.
The athlete in this video, Cassius Sendish, a 2014 All Big 12 safety out of the University of Kansas, recorded a 9-foot, 10-inch Broad Jump at his NFL Pro Day in March 2015, but he has since made jumps near the 12-foot mark in recent workouts.