The DIY Athlete: Homemade Bug Candles with Citronella
Use homemade citronella bug candles to ward off all those pesky insects that distract you from watching the game. Homemade candles are a healthy alternative to bug sprays that contain DDT, a chemical that is extremely hazardous to health. If you are a fan who wants to spend less time swatting mosquitoes and flies and more time focusing on the game, consider making your own homemade citronella bug candles.
Citronella is an essential oil that naturally repels insects, without dangerous chemical side effects. Create your own citronella candles using materials found in any health food market or natural food store.
Citronella Bug Candle Materials
- 16 oz. beeswax
- Empty coffee can
- Saucepan
- Citronella essential oil
- Paint stick
- Weighted wick, 1/4 inch thick
- Empty paint can
Citronella Bug Candle Directions
- Place the beeswax in a clean, empty coffee can. Place the coffee can in a saucepan filled halfway with water.
- Heat the beeswax over medium heat until it is completely melted.
- Pour in eight ounces of citronella essential oil, and stir the mixture thoroughly with the paint stick.
- Place an eight-inch weighted wick into a clean, empty paint can, and hold the wick upright as you pour the beeswax mixture into the paint can.
- Allow the wax to cool for two to four hours before use.
Photo Source: Flickr
The DIY Athlete: Homemade Bug Candles with Citronella
Use homemade citronella bug candles to ward off all those pesky insects that distract you from watching the game. Homemade candles are a healthy alternative to bug sprays that contain DDT, a chemical that is extremely hazardous to health. If you are a fan who wants to spend less time swatting mosquitoes and flies and more time focusing on the game, consider making your own homemade citronella bug candles.
Citronella is an essential oil that naturally repels insects, without dangerous chemical side effects. Create your own citronella candles using materials found in any health food market or natural food store.
Citronella Bug Candle Materials
- 16 oz. beeswax
- Empty coffee can
- Saucepan
- Citronella essential oil
- Paint stick
- Weighted wick, 1/4 inch thick
- Empty paint can
Citronella Bug Candle Directions
- Place the beeswax in a clean, empty coffee can. Place the coffee can in a saucepan filled halfway with water.
- Heat the beeswax over medium heat until it is completely melted.
- Pour in eight ounces of citronella essential oil, and stir the mixture thoroughly with the paint stick.
- Place an eight-inch weighted wick into a clean, empty paint can, and hold the wick upright as you pour the beeswax mixture into the paint can.
- Allow the wax to cool for two to four hours before use.
Photo Source: Flickr