Drink Cold Fluids During Workouts
Does fluid temperature impact performance? Perhaps, suggests a study published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.
While sweat is your body’s natural cooling mechanism, cold fluids can also prevent the body’s core temperature from rising. Downing a cold drink while working out may even improve your performance, says Pittsburgh Steelers sports nutrition consultant Leslie Bonci. She recommends drinking early and often to keep cool and hydrated.
Click here for more hydration advice from Bonci.
Source: runnersworld.com
Photo: way2fit.com
Drink Cold Fluids During Workouts
Does fluid temperature impact performance? Perhaps, suggests a study published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.
While sweat is your body’s natural cooling mechanism, cold fluids can also prevent the body’s core temperature from rising. Downing a cold drink while working out may even improve your performance, says Pittsburgh Steelers sports nutrition consultant Leslie Bonci. She recommends drinking early and often to keep cool and hydrated.
Click here for more hydration advice from Bonci.
Source: runnersworld.com
Photo: way2fit.com