Flashback Friday: Peyton Manning Tried to Teach Yao Ming How to Throw a Football
During an old Gatorade commercial starring three retired athletes—NFL superstar quarterback Peyton Manning, legendary NBA center Yao Ming and iconic New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter—some behind-the-scene treasure was filmed. Manning was trying to teach Yao how to throw a football.
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You might imagine that most professional athletes in any sport can throw a football, but not the 7-foot-6, 8-time NBA All-Star. Yao doesn’t even use the laces, and his throwing motion seems to be stuck between a sidearm delivery and a normal throw. The result of his poor mechanics: an ugly release and a knuckleball to Manning. It’s possible that Yao’s 10-inch palms prevented him from throwing a spiral.
Manning reassured Yao that he didn’t need to learn how to throw a football, because he would most likely be a tight end for the Indianapolis Colts. Check out the hilarious video below.
[instagram src=”https://www.instagram.com/p/BKEB3czgiYy/?taken-by=nbahistory”]Here is the Gatorade commercial they were shooting at the time.
[youtube video=”bgso20jpfSw” /]RECOMMENDED FOR YOU
Flashback Friday: Peyton Manning Tried to Teach Yao Ming How to Throw a Football
During an old Gatorade commercial starring three retired athletes—NFL superstar quarterback Peyton Manning, legendary NBA center Yao Ming and iconic New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter—some behind-the-scene treasure was filmed. Manning was trying to teach Yao how to throw a football.
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You might imagine that most professional athletes in any sport can throw a football, but not the 7-foot-6, 8-time NBA All-Star. Yao doesn’t even use the laces, and his throwing motion seems to be stuck between a sidearm delivery and a normal throw. The result of his poor mechanics: an ugly release and a knuckleball to Manning. It’s possible that Yao’s 10-inch palms prevented him from throwing a spiral.
Manning reassured Yao that he didn’t need to learn how to throw a football, because he would most likely be a tight end for the Indianapolis Colts. Check out the hilarious video below.
[instagram src=”https://www.instagram.com/p/BKEB3czgiYy/?taken-by=nbahistory”]Here is the Gatorade commercial they were shooting at the time.
[youtube video=”bgso20jpfSw” /]