Georgia Basketball Mini Routine for Muscle Mass
The fur-lined jock mentality that believes basketball players don’t need to lift for mass is as outdated as jumbo Rec Specs, knee-high socks and circulation-choking teeny shorts. Michael Schweigert, basketball strength and conditioning coach for the University of Georgia, is here to welcome your training into the 21st Century. (As for hardwood fashion, our Gear Channel is one click away.)
“At Georgia, our off-season training cycle consists of getting guys as big as possible and as strong as possible,” Schweigert says. “I want to put bulk on the players because when they start camp, their conditioning activity level increases. Guys are running more, so naturally weight loss will occur.”
To get those mirror muscles spilling out of your jersey, Schweigert suggests performing the following upper body mini routine during the off-season.
Standing Dumbbell Alternating Overhead Press
• Stand with dumbbells at shoulder level with palms facing away
• Lift right arm straight up until fully extended; return to start position
• Lift left arm straight up until fully extended; return to start position
• Repeat alternating pattern for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 2×4-10
Coaching Points: Keep feet flat on ground // Align ankles, knees, hips, shoulders and ears // Maintain straight line with shoulders, elbows and wrists during press
Schweigert: “An athlete can do this same movement lifting both arms simultaneously, but the alternating aspect makes it harder and forces the mind and nervous system to work in a different way. Also, this lift can be performed seated, but it’s our philosophy that any time a basketball player is seated, he’s on the bench.”
Dumbbell Incline Fly
• Lie on bench holding dumbbells with arms locked at an angle to sides
• Using chest muscles, bring dumbbells together straight up overhead
• Control dumbbells down to start position
Sets/Reps: 2×8-12
Coaching Points: Begin with light weight to perfect form // Keep hips, head and back on bench // Avoid using arms to create movement
Schweigert: “This exercise builds muscle mass for the chest and shoulders. Your arms are bent, but do not move them through the overhead motion. Even though you’re on an incline, it’s important to bring the dumbbells straight overhead. To avoid injuries, I recommend starting with light weight to perfect the technical movement before loading up.”
Minibar Curl
• Load up the shorter, lighter bar with as much weight as possible for specified reps
• Standing up, curl bar to chest; lower bar until arms fully extend to bottom position
Sets/Reps: 2×12, 2×10
Coaching Points: Avoid swinging body for momentum // Keep body locked from ankles to shoulders // Use heavy weight
Schweigert: “This traditional exercise gains bicep muscle mass. Basketball athletes need to stand to stabilize the body, because on the court they’re going to be in all sorts of extended and curled positions. I want my players to use as much weight as possible, but not cheat by swinging forward or not working a full range of motion.”
Need new gear for the upcoming year? Check out all the best basketball shoes and basketball clothing.
Georgia Basketball Mini Routine for Muscle Mass
The fur-lined jock mentality that believes basketball players don’t need to lift for mass is as outdated as jumbo Rec Specs, knee-high socks and circulation-choking teeny shorts. Michael Schweigert, basketball strength and conditioning coach for the University of Georgia, is here to welcome your training into the 21st Century. (As for hardwood fashion, our Gear Channel is one click away.)
“At Georgia, our off-season training cycle consists of getting guys as big as possible and as strong as possible,” Schweigert says. “I want to put bulk on the players because when they start camp, their conditioning activity level increases. Guys are running more, so naturally weight loss will occur.”
To get those mirror muscles spilling out of your jersey, Schweigert suggests performing the following upper body mini routine during the off-season.
Standing Dumbbell Alternating Overhead Press
• Stand with dumbbells at shoulder level with palms facing away
• Lift right arm straight up until fully extended; return to start position
• Lift left arm straight up until fully extended; return to start position
• Repeat alternating pattern for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 2×4-10
Coaching Points: Keep feet flat on ground // Align ankles, knees, hips, shoulders and ears // Maintain straight line with shoulders, elbows and wrists during press
Schweigert: “An athlete can do this same movement lifting both arms simultaneously, but the alternating aspect makes it harder and forces the mind and nervous system to work in a different way. Also, this lift can be performed seated, but it’s our philosophy that any time a basketball player is seated, he’s on the bench.”
Dumbbell Incline Fly
• Lie on bench holding dumbbells with arms locked at an angle to sides
• Using chest muscles, bring dumbbells together straight up overhead
• Control dumbbells down to start position
Sets/Reps: 2×8-12
Coaching Points: Begin with light weight to perfect form // Keep hips, head and back on bench // Avoid using arms to create movement
Schweigert: “This exercise builds muscle mass for the chest and shoulders. Your arms are bent, but do not move them through the overhead motion. Even though you’re on an incline, it’s important to bring the dumbbells straight overhead. To avoid injuries, I recommend starting with light weight to perfect the technical movement before loading up.”
Minibar Curl
• Load up the shorter, lighter bar with as much weight as possible for specified reps
• Standing up, curl bar to chest; lower bar until arms fully extend to bottom position
Sets/Reps: 2×12, 2×10
Coaching Points: Avoid swinging body for momentum // Keep body locked from ankles to shoulders // Use heavy weight
Schweigert: “This traditional exercise gains bicep muscle mass. Basketball athletes need to stand to stabilize the body, because on the court they’re going to be in all sorts of extended and curled positions. I want my players to use as much weight as possible, but not cheat by swinging forward or not working a full range of motion.”
Need new gear for the upcoming year? Check out all the best basketball shoes and basketball clothing.