Get Better Training Results With These 3 Tips
Exercise. It doesn’t have to be a dirty word.
We live in a quick-fix society that has us obsessed with results rather than the process of achieving our goals. There are tons of Instagram gurus out there claiming that 8 minutes of some ab routine and a green drink will get you more shredded than the latest influencer. Here are 3 tips that will help you get better results.
Have A Plan
“90% is just showing up.”
Life can be hectic. Sometimes you have to move mountains to get to the gym. But just showing up is not going to cut it. Ask yourself, what is my goal? I’m talking about a big picture, a 10,000-foot view goal. Maybe it is to run a marathon or to lose 30 pounds. Both are significant endeavors that require more than showing up. Don’t be upset with the results you didn’t get with the work you didn’t do. Whatever your goal is, make it clear and concise, working backward to develop the process to achieve it.
Once you’ve established your goal, make a plan to achieve it. While you may not fully know when you’re going to get there, you need to focus on how to get there. Maybe it’s subscribing to a running plan and mapping out the days you can exercise or meal-prepping for the week Sunday night. Whatever it is, set yourself up for success. We naturally follow the path of least resistance. The key is to make that path go toward what you are looking to achieve.
One step further, take the time to get your mind right and set your intention for the day. What is it that you want to get out of your workout?
Again, be specific. Instead of “spend 1 hour at the gym,” structure things like this:
- 10-minute warm-up
- 20 minutes of HIIT
- 20 minutes of cardio intervals
- 10-minute cool-down
Fall in love with the process and the results will take care of themselves.
Proper Fueling
You will perform better and reach your goals faster with a healthy, balanced diet. Imagine that! Proper nutrition has many variables depending on your goals, body type, etc. but there are a couple of commonalities no matter what it is that you are training for. Choose whole foods over processed junk at every turn. Sugar from candy will not get you into shape. Instead, opt for fresh fruits and veggies along with lean meats like chicken. These foods are full of protein and essential nutrients to keep your body going and feeling good. Contrary to popular belief, carbs are not the enemy. Choose complex carbohydrates from whole grain sources to fuel your body. Again, we’re looking to make a lifestyle change that is sustainable in the long run. Adequate nutrition will keep you on track and motivated to reach those lofty goals!
Sleep is the biggest performance-enhancer out there-and it is FREE! Rest is a game-changer. Proper sleep habits will set you up for all-around success. Motivation levels are higher, self-control is stronger, and the ability to attack life head-on is much easier. Here are a couple of ways that you can ensure sleep success:
Set Your Bedtime
Ensuring that you are getting enough sleep to aid recovery, both physically and mentally. It helps me plan the following day-my eating schedule, when I have time to work out, etc. Try to shoot for 7-9 hours each night. After all, Netflix will still be there tomorrow.
Put your phone away
As you probably already know, the blue light emitted from our phones and sleep doesn’t mix. Our minds need to rest and to do so; we should forgo scrolling Facebook feed before drifting off to sleep. Instead, create a new bedtime routine to clear the mind. Put your phone away at least 30 minutes before heading to bed. Keep a journal and write what’s on your mind or read a book to wind down. These small tweaks will help you relax and get into sleep mode.
This information is not new or groundbreaking, but it works. Master the basics by implementing small, sustainable habits, and you’ll be well on your way toward reaching your goals.
Here’s a free circuit that you can do anywhere:
- 5-minute Jumping Jack warm-up
- 20 Squats
- 20 Push-ups
- 10 Burpees
- 20 Lunges
- 20 Mountain climbers
- 800m run
If you want to dive deeper into these topics, shoot me an email at [email protected] with the subject line DEEP DIVE. You can also find me on Trainerize
Get Better Training Results With These 3 Tips
Exercise. It doesn’t have to be a dirty word.
We live in a quick-fix society that has us obsessed with results rather than the process of achieving our goals. There are tons of Instagram gurus out there claiming that 8 minutes of some ab routine and a green drink will get you more shredded than the latest influencer. Here are 3 tips that will help you get better results.
Have A Plan
“90% is just showing up.”
Life can be hectic. Sometimes you have to move mountains to get to the gym. But just showing up is not going to cut it. Ask yourself, what is my goal? I’m talking about a big picture, a 10,000-foot view goal. Maybe it is to run a marathon or to lose 30 pounds. Both are significant endeavors that require more than showing up. Don’t be upset with the results you didn’t get with the work you didn’t do. Whatever your goal is, make it clear and concise, working backward to develop the process to achieve it.
Once you’ve established your goal, make a plan to achieve it. While you may not fully know when you’re going to get there, you need to focus on how to get there. Maybe it’s subscribing to a running plan and mapping out the days you can exercise or meal-prepping for the week Sunday night. Whatever it is, set yourself up for success. We naturally follow the path of least resistance. The key is to make that path go toward what you are looking to achieve.
One step further, take the time to get your mind right and set your intention for the day. What is it that you want to get out of your workout?
Again, be specific. Instead of “spend 1 hour at the gym,” structure things like this:
- 10-minute warm-up
- 20 minutes of HIIT
- 20 minutes of cardio intervals
- 10-minute cool-down
Fall in love with the process and the results will take care of themselves.
Proper Fueling
You will perform better and reach your goals faster with a healthy, balanced diet. Imagine that! Proper nutrition has many variables depending on your goals, body type, etc. but there are a couple of commonalities no matter what it is that you are training for. Choose whole foods over processed junk at every turn. Sugar from candy will not get you into shape. Instead, opt for fresh fruits and veggies along with lean meats like chicken. These foods are full of protein and essential nutrients to keep your body going and feeling good. Contrary to popular belief, carbs are not the enemy. Choose complex carbohydrates from whole grain sources to fuel your body. Again, we’re looking to make a lifestyle change that is sustainable in the long run. Adequate nutrition will keep you on track and motivated to reach those lofty goals!
Sleep is the biggest performance-enhancer out there-and it is FREE! Rest is a game-changer. Proper sleep habits will set you up for all-around success. Motivation levels are higher, self-control is stronger, and the ability to attack life head-on is much easier. Here are a couple of ways that you can ensure sleep success:
Set Your Bedtime
Ensuring that you are getting enough sleep to aid recovery, both physically and mentally. It helps me plan the following day-my eating schedule, when I have time to work out, etc. Try to shoot for 7-9 hours each night. After all, Netflix will still be there tomorrow.
Put your phone away
As you probably already know, the blue light emitted from our phones and sleep doesn’t mix. Our minds need to rest and to do so; we should forgo scrolling Facebook feed before drifting off to sleep. Instead, create a new bedtime routine to clear the mind. Put your phone away at least 30 minutes before heading to bed. Keep a journal and write what’s on your mind or read a book to wind down. These small tweaks will help you relax and get into sleep mode.
This information is not new or groundbreaking, but it works. Master the basics by implementing small, sustainable habits, and you’ll be well on your way toward reaching your goals.
Here’s a free circuit that you can do anywhere:
- 5-minute Jumping Jack warm-up
- 20 Squats
- 20 Push-ups
- 10 Burpees
- 20 Lunges
- 20 Mountain climbers
- 800m run
If you want to dive deeper into these topics, shoot me an email at [email protected] with the subject line DEEP DIVE. You can also find me on Trainerize