Global 2XU Campaign Brings ‘Heart Not Hype’
According to Houston Rockets head athletic trainer Keith Jones, 29 of 30 NBA teams are using 2XU compression apparel. But you would never know it.
A leading sports performance company in Australia, 2XU is looking to raise its brand awareness in the United States and around the world with their new campaign “#HeartNotHype.” Last week, 2XU held a global summit event in New York City and discussed the question, “Can you train the heart?”—exploring the ties between the emotional component of playing sports and its necessary physical challenges.
2XU’s compression wear is designed to increase blood circulation and flow back to the heart. In the #HeartNotHype video, athletes across all sports train hard, and in pushing themselves to the limit, they are forced to look inward for “heart” strength to keep going.
“Performance language is a common language, and that vocabulary about wanting to get better is the same,” said 2XU co-founder Aidan Clarke.
Rather than “taking the word compression, and applying it to a tight fitting garment,” Clarke said that all of 2XU’s products are specifically engineered to address muscle recovery.
The latest product line from 2XU is MCS, which stands for Muscle Containment Stamping. According to the product guide, it’s a “fabric support system traced over key muscle, tendon and fascia groups to focus greater compression power to wrap precise areas and reduce muscle oscillation and damage.” Reducing muscle oscillation during exercise means it requires less energy to stabilize the muscles, which makes for better balance and less muscle fatigue. Increased blood flow and circulation result in more oxygen re-uptake by the muscles, and less lactic acid build-up.
“Stimulation for growth is the workouts we do, but quite frankly the growth happens when we recover,” said panelist and sports psychologist Dr. John Sullivan.
2XU is giving away a free trip to California for an intense workout and recovery session with several of their professional trainers, athletes and sports psychologists. All you have to do is watch the video below and share your own #HeartnotHype story in a quick social media post by answering the question, “what does putting heart into performance mean to you?”
Adventurer and motivational speaker Jeremy McGhee, who was paralyzed from the waist down after a motorcycle accident in 2001, said, “It’s about bringing our heart to its full expression. Now, is that trainable? It’s about tapping into that motivation, whether it be anger, fear, or gratitude, and asking yourself how uncomfortable are you willing to get?”
Global 2XU Campaign Brings ‘Heart Not Hype’
According to Houston Rockets head athletic trainer Keith Jones, 29 of 30 NBA teams are using 2XU compression apparel. But you would never know it.
A leading sports performance company in Australia, 2XU is looking to raise its brand awareness in the United States and around the world with their new campaign “#HeartNotHype.” Last week, 2XU held a global summit event in New York City and discussed the question, “Can you train the heart?”—exploring the ties between the emotional component of playing sports and its necessary physical challenges.
2XU’s compression wear is designed to increase blood circulation and flow back to the heart. In the #HeartNotHype video, athletes across all sports train hard, and in pushing themselves to the limit, they are forced to look inward for “heart” strength to keep going.
“Performance language is a common language, and that vocabulary about wanting to get better is the same,” said 2XU co-founder Aidan Clarke.
Rather than “taking the word compression, and applying it to a tight fitting garment,” Clarke said that all of 2XU’s products are specifically engineered to address muscle recovery.
The latest product line from 2XU is MCS, which stands for Muscle Containment Stamping. According to the product guide, it’s a “fabric support system traced over key muscle, tendon and fascia groups to focus greater compression power to wrap precise areas and reduce muscle oscillation and damage.” Reducing muscle oscillation during exercise means it requires less energy to stabilize the muscles, which makes for better balance and less muscle fatigue. Increased blood flow and circulation result in more oxygen re-uptake by the muscles, and less lactic acid build-up.
“Stimulation for growth is the workouts we do, but quite frankly the growth happens when we recover,” said panelist and sports psychologist Dr. John Sullivan.
2XU is giving away a free trip to California for an intense workout and recovery session with several of their professional trainers, athletes and sports psychologists. All you have to do is watch the video below and share your own #HeartnotHype story in a quick social media post by answering the question, “what does putting heart into performance mean to you?”
Adventurer and motivational speaker Jeremy McGhee, who was paralyzed from the waist down after a motorcycle accident in 2001, said, “It’s about bringing our heart to its full expression. Now, is that trainable? It’s about tapping into that motivation, whether it be anger, fear, or gratitude, and asking yourself how uncomfortable are you willing to get?”