Don’t slow your body down during your halftime break. Before heading back to action, feed on this advice from Olympic sport dietitian Bob Seebohar.
STACK: What is a popular halftime food?
Bob Seebohar: I grew up playing soccer; and at halftimes, [we’d] always have oranges and water. Fruit has a lot of fructose, a sugar found in fruits. A lot of fructose slows digestion from the stomach, which means athletes will come out [in the second half] a little bit slower and less energetic. They think the oranges are doing them great, but in fact, it’s quite the opposite.
STACK: What foods should athletes consume instead?
BS: The halftime foods you [should] focus on are fast carbohydrates, water and then salt. A great halftime snack is something like a pretzel and sport drink. You should stay away from juice, because it has a lot of fructose. Sport drinks are decent. [They contain] the right sugar—meaning it’s going to get out of your stomach quickly and not sit there, causing digestive issues.
I try [to] promote more grain-based halftime foods and snacks, [including] pretzels. Whole-grain saltines work great with water, because they are very salty, and [they] give you carbohydrates. Unfortunately, we don’t think about that, because typically [a] refreshing halftime food is fruit. You can have a little bit—maybe one orange slice—but [athletes] nowadays go through five or six at halftime. No wonder they come out in the second half not feeling good.
STACK: Why is salt important?
BS: Think of salt as a sponge [for] your body. Salt actually absorbs the water you’re consuming. Sport drinks [are] very crucial, because the more fluid you can absorb and keep in your body, the better you’re going to stay hydrated.
Don’t slow your body down during your halftime break. Before heading back to action, feed on this advice from Olympic sport dietitian Bob Seebohar.
STACK: What is a popular halftime food?
Bob Seebohar: I grew up playing soccer; and at halftimes, [we’d] always have oranges and water. Fruit has a lot of fructose, a sugar found in fruits. A lot of fructose slows digestion from the stomach, which means athletes will come out [in the second half] a little bit slower and less energetic. They think the oranges are doing them great, but in fact, it’s quite the opposite.
STACK: What foods should athletes consume instead?
BS: The halftime foods you [should] focus on are fast carbohydrates, water and then salt. A great halftime snack is something like a pretzel and sport drink. You should stay away from juice, because it has a lot of fructose. Sport drinks are decent. [They contain] the right sugar—meaning it’s going to get out of your stomach quickly and not sit there, causing digestive issues.
I try [to] promote more grain-based halftime foods and snacks, [including] pretzels. Whole-grain saltines work great with water, because they are very salty, and [they] give you carbohydrates. Unfortunately, we don’t think about that, because typically [a] refreshing halftime food is fruit. You can have a little bit—maybe one orange slice—but [athletes] nowadays go through five or six at halftime. No wonder they come out in the second half not feeling good.
STACK: Why is salt important?
BS: Think of salt as a sponge [for] your body. Salt actually absorbs the water you’re consuming. Sport drinks [are] very crucial, because the more fluid you can absorb and keep in your body, the better you’re going to stay hydrated.