How Eggs Can Change Your Genes
The foods you choose to put in your mouth today are critical to your health tomorrow. But did you know certain foods can also affect your future offspring? A 2012 study found that choline, a nutrient abundant in eggs (as well as in chicken and sardines), may actually change the gene expression of your child. When pregnant women consumed choline during pregnancy, the epigenetic markers in their offspring changed. These changes appeared to decrease future risk for stress-related illnesses like high blood pressure. While the results were specific to women, other studies show that our dietary choices can, in fact, alter our gene expression. In addition to getting choline in one’s diet during pregnancy, eliminating simple sugars, saturated fats and trans fats may also affect your genetic capability to protect yourself against illness. That goes for both men and women.
How Eggs Can Change Your Genes
The foods you choose to put in your mouth today are critical to your health tomorrow. But did you know certain foods can also affect your future offspring? A 2012 study found that choline, a nutrient abundant in eggs (as well as in chicken and sardines), may actually change the gene expression of your child. When pregnant women consumed choline during pregnancy, the epigenetic markers in their offspring changed. These changes appeared to decrease future risk for stress-related illnesses like high blood pressure. While the results were specific to women, other studies show that our dietary choices can, in fact, alter our gene expression. In addition to getting choline in one’s diet during pregnancy, eliminating simple sugars, saturated fats and trans fats may also affect your genetic capability to protect yourself against illness. That goes for both men and women.