Would Joss Whedon Kill Off an Avenger?
Could one of the Avengers meet his or her doom in Age of Ultron? During a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, director Joss Whedon entertained the notion of killing off a member of the superhero team He didn’t seem completely against the idea and even pointed out a benefit.
“Um…maybe? But I’d have to have a really good reason, a really great sequence for [Marvel executives] to go, ‘We’ll cut off a potential franchise, that’s fine!,'” said Whedon. “They know as any good studio does, that without some stakes, some real danger, how involved can we get? We don’t just rule it out across the board, but neither is the mission statement, ‘Who can we kill?'”
The death of a protagonist would certainly up the ante in getting fans to buy into the Earth-in-peril plot lines of superhero flicks. Who would you pick? The upcoming Avengers sequel isn’t short on characters. Choose from members of the original team like Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye, or from newcomers Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.
Bruce Banner couldn’t even kill himself, and Thor is a god. But all bets are off in the Marvel Universe, where no one is safe. Would the person even need to stay dead? S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Coulson got killed on screen and will appear on the much-hyped ABC TV show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. this fall.
It’s all conjecture for now. Age of Ultron hits theaters on May 1, 2015.
Photo: Marvel
Would Joss Whedon Kill Off an Avenger?
Could one of the Avengers meet his or her doom in Age of Ultron? During a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, director Joss Whedon entertained the notion of killing off a member of the superhero team He didn’t seem completely against the idea and even pointed out a benefit.
“Um…maybe? But I’d have to have a really good reason, a really great sequence for [Marvel executives] to go, ‘We’ll cut off a potential franchise, that’s fine!,'” said Whedon. “They know as any good studio does, that without some stakes, some real danger, how involved can we get? We don’t just rule it out across the board, but neither is the mission statement, ‘Who can we kill?'”
The death of a protagonist would certainly up the ante in getting fans to buy into the Earth-in-peril plot lines of superhero flicks. Who would you pick? The upcoming Avengers sequel isn’t short on characters. Choose from members of the original team like Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye, or from newcomers Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.
Bruce Banner couldn’t even kill himself, and Thor is a god. But all bets are off in the Marvel Universe, where no one is safe. Would the person even need to stay dead? S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Coulson got killed on screen and will appear on the much-hyped ABC TV show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. this fall.
It’s all conjecture for now. Age of Ultron hits theaters on May 1, 2015.
Photo: Marvel