Suspense Drama ‘Little Accidents’ Stars Elizabeth Banks
In Little Accidents, set in a small Appalachian town reeling from a tragic coal mining accident, a group of unlikely individuals are brought together by the disappearance of a teenage boy. Several intriguing storylines are woven together in this blue collar Rust Belt flick. The drama primarily revolves around three distinctly different families, each deeply impacted, in their own way, by the fatal mining accident.
The lone survivor of the accident, Amos Jenkins, is at the center of an investigation into what happened at the mine. The fate of everyone in the town could potentially hinge on what he is able to remember. Elizabeth Banks (The Hunger Games franchise) plays Diane Doyle, the lonely wife of a mine executive, Bill, who may be a target of the investigation. Their son J.T. is the boy who disappears. Then there’s Kendra, the widow of a miner killed in the accident, who is raising two children on her own..
Starring as Amos is Boyd Holbrook, last seen in the hit film Gone Girl. Josh Lucas (The Mysteries of Laura) is cast as Bill Doyle. The Mindy Project’s Chloe Sevigny plays Kendra. The cast also includes Jacob Lofland (Mud) as Owen and Travis Tope (Boardwalk Empire) as J.T.
The movie was written and directed by Sara Colangelo, and the project marks her feature film debut. The movie is actually an expanded version of her 2010 award-winning short film.
Little Accidents, which premiered at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival, will arrive in theaters nationwide Jan. 16.
Suspense Drama ‘Little Accidents’ Stars Elizabeth Banks
In Little Accidents, set in a small Appalachian town reeling from a tragic coal mining accident, a group of unlikely individuals are brought together by the disappearance of a teenage boy. Several intriguing storylines are woven together in this blue collar Rust Belt flick. The drama primarily revolves around three distinctly different families, each deeply impacted, in their own way, by the fatal mining accident.
The lone survivor of the accident, Amos Jenkins, is at the center of an investigation into what happened at the mine. The fate of everyone in the town could potentially hinge on what he is able to remember. Elizabeth Banks (The Hunger Games franchise) plays Diane Doyle, the lonely wife of a mine executive, Bill, who may be a target of the investigation. Their son J.T. is the boy who disappears. Then there’s Kendra, the widow of a miner killed in the accident, who is raising two children on her own..
Starring as Amos is Boyd Holbrook, last seen in the hit film Gone Girl. Josh Lucas (The Mysteries of Laura) is cast as Bill Doyle. The Mindy Project’s Chloe Sevigny plays Kendra. The cast also includes Jacob Lofland (Mud) as Owen and Travis Tope (Boardwalk Empire) as J.T.
The movie was written and directed by Sara Colangelo, and the project marks her feature film debut. The movie is actually an expanded version of her 2010 award-winning short film.
Little Accidents, which premiered at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival, will arrive in theaters nationwide Jan. 16.