Men In Black III Trailer Hits the Web (Video)
K (Tommy Lee Jones) and J (Will Smith) are back…again.
The original Men In Black was a resounding success, but the 2002 sequel drew a collective “meh.” So we were a little skeptical about being subjected to a third film. But blockbusters sell, and the prospect of a trilogy gets folks giddy. Thus, the trailer for Men In Black III has hit the web.
After viewing the trailer, we were pleasantly surprised—it may actually be a decent movie. If nothing else, it’s always a trippy experience to hear an obviously older actor’s voice coming out of a younger man’s mouth.
Men In Black III hits theaters on May 25, 2012. We’ll let you and your teammates know if the flick is ultimately worth your (or your parents’) hard-earned cash.
Men In Black III Trailer Hits the Web (Video)
K (Tommy Lee Jones) and J (Will Smith) are back…again.
The original Men In Black was a resounding success, but the 2002 sequel drew a collective “meh.” So we were a little skeptical about being subjected to a third film. But blockbusters sell, and the prospect of a trilogy gets folks giddy. Thus, the trailer for Men In Black III has hit the web.
After viewing the trailer, we were pleasantly surprised—it may actually be a decent movie. If nothing else, it’s always a trippy experience to hear an obviously older actor’s voice coming out of a younger man’s mouth.
Men In Black III hits theaters on May 25, 2012. We’ll let you and your teammates know if the flick is ultimately worth your (or your parents’) hard-earned cash.