Mental Strategies to Help You Make 2022 The Year You Finally Succeed
Every January the same thing happens for many people – they make New Year resolutions, and many of them have to do with weight loss or fitness. The first week goes by, and everything is great. The second week goes by, and the person may have missed one day. The third week goes by, and it begins to feel like a chore. By the time Spring rolls around, it’s the same old habits and routine as before.
For those of you that have pushed through, maintaining the commitment, and are seeing results, congratulations and please keep it up. However, if you clicked this, then there’s a good chance you fall under my first description. Perhaps you didn’t even realize it, but now that you have, you may be wondering what happened. What went wrong this time? You were so determined this year.
Recommit and Move Forward
Regardless of what happened or didn’t happen after the beginning of the year, this year still has that new year smell. So, take this moment and opportunity to get back on track and work towards achieving your personal greatness. Here are a few ways to help you do just that.
Did You Have a Plan?
Victoria Brown is a trainer that works with Under Armour, and she’s seen this play out before. In her opinion, the issue isn’t with the passion or motivation, but a lack of having a roadmap to get where you want to go.
“I think people give up on themselves because they don’t create a plan for how they aim to achieve their goals, and a dream without a plan is only a wish,” Brown said. Creating a solid training schedule, organizing a sound nutrition plan, and journaling your progress on the same day and time every week are all components of a sound plan that can go a long way in maximizing your potential.
Don’t Think About Motivation
Inspiring videos are all over YouTube, and music can be a mood changer for sure. However, those factors can be fleeting. Brown suggests you really connect with your reasons for making this commitment.
“A strong relationship with your why is essential. Having a clear understanding of why you are doing what you’re doing and why it’s important to you will give you the motivation necessary to see it all through,” she said. Seeing your results and progress can also be a great strategy to give your all during the workout.
“Visualization is also a great tool for succeeding and not quitting. If you can imagine the details of your success and how you will feel once you’ve arrived, it creates a strong sense of inspiration to keep going.”
Stop Beating Yourself Up
The goal is to make the most out of every day, but it should be understood that perfection is impossible. You will eventually have a bad day or make a mistake. Dwelling on this will do nothing but make matters worse. Brown suggests that the sooner you put it behind you, the better.
“Change is hard. Know and understand that. Don’t be hard on yourself. Don’t believe the lie that we often tell ourselves, that everything needs to be perfect in order for us to start,” she explained. Don’t set yourself up for failure by making large goals, either. As Brown said, slow and steady can help you win the race.
“Start small, start where you are. A crawl becomes a walk, and a walk becomes a run. Lastly, try never to miss two full days of moving towards your goals. One day is an accident and two days is how you begin to cultivate a new habit.”
Community Can Be Everything
You shouldn’t expect yourself to make all of this happen by yourself. Even in individual sports, the athletes have teams of people supporting them. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are willing to support you can be a game changer when training or competing.
“Energy is contagious, hustle is contagious – so that can only mean that laziness is contagious, too. Of course, not everyone is motivated all of the time, but it could help you in jump starting your own motivation if you take care to spend your time with people who have their personal priorities in line and are committed to moving the needle forward in a positive way.”
Under Armour is working on being a part of the community for many people. As Brown explained, they’re working to provide resources to young athletes, teams, and people looking to change their lives for the better.
“Under Armour provides so many resources to make people better and help them improve. Beyond that, they create clothing that is wear tested and built to help everyone reach their fitness goals and not be held back by what they are wearing. They support youth in sports, all body types, all genders, and all races. These are the reasons why anyone and everyone should consider using Under Armour to achieve their biggest goals and aspirations.”
Don’t let a couple of bad weeks in the New Year eliminate the potential for success for the other 11 and a half months. Re-commit, re-focus, set up a plan, surround yourself with like-minded people, and make the most out of the day ahead. Doing all of that will yield results and make you feel like that this year was different after all.
Mental Strategies to Help You Make 2022 The Year You Finally Succeed
Every January the same thing happens for many people – they make New Year resolutions, and many of them have to do with weight loss or fitness. The first week goes by, and everything is great. The second week goes by, and the person may have missed one day. The third week goes by, and it begins to feel like a chore. By the time Spring rolls around, it’s the same old habits and routine as before.
For those of you that have pushed through, maintaining the commitment, and are seeing results, congratulations and please keep it up. However, if you clicked this, then there’s a good chance you fall under my first description. Perhaps you didn’t even realize it, but now that you have, you may be wondering what happened. What went wrong this time? You were so determined this year.
Recommit and Move Forward
Regardless of what happened or didn’t happen after the beginning of the year, this year still has that new year smell. So, take this moment and opportunity to get back on track and work towards achieving your personal greatness. Here are a few ways to help you do just that.
Did You Have a Plan?
Victoria Brown is a trainer that works with Under Armour, and she’s seen this play out before. In her opinion, the issue isn’t with the passion or motivation, but a lack of having a roadmap to get where you want to go.
“I think people give up on themselves because they don’t create a plan for how they aim to achieve their goals, and a dream without a plan is only a wish,” Brown said. Creating a solid training schedule, organizing a sound nutrition plan, and journaling your progress on the same day and time every week are all components of a sound plan that can go a long way in maximizing your potential.
Don’t Think About Motivation
Inspiring videos are all over YouTube, and music can be a mood changer for sure. However, those factors can be fleeting. Brown suggests you really connect with your reasons for making this commitment.
“A strong relationship with your why is essential. Having a clear understanding of why you are doing what you’re doing and why it’s important to you will give you the motivation necessary to see it all through,” she said. Seeing your results and progress can also be a great strategy to give your all during the workout.
“Visualization is also a great tool for succeeding and not quitting. If you can imagine the details of your success and how you will feel once you’ve arrived, it creates a strong sense of inspiration to keep going.”
Stop Beating Yourself Up
The goal is to make the most out of every day, but it should be understood that perfection is impossible. You will eventually have a bad day or make a mistake. Dwelling on this will do nothing but make matters worse. Brown suggests that the sooner you put it behind you, the better.
“Change is hard. Know and understand that. Don’t be hard on yourself. Don’t believe the lie that we often tell ourselves, that everything needs to be perfect in order for us to start,” she explained. Don’t set yourself up for failure by making large goals, either. As Brown said, slow and steady can help you win the race.
“Start small, start where you are. A crawl becomes a walk, and a walk becomes a run. Lastly, try never to miss two full days of moving towards your goals. One day is an accident and two days is how you begin to cultivate a new habit.”
Community Can Be Everything
You shouldn’t expect yourself to make all of this happen by yourself. Even in individual sports, the athletes have teams of people supporting them. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are willing to support you can be a game changer when training or competing.
“Energy is contagious, hustle is contagious – so that can only mean that laziness is contagious, too. Of course, not everyone is motivated all of the time, but it could help you in jump starting your own motivation if you take care to spend your time with people who have their personal priorities in line and are committed to moving the needle forward in a positive way.”
Under Armour is working on being a part of the community for many people. As Brown explained, they’re working to provide resources to young athletes, teams, and people looking to change their lives for the better.
“Under Armour provides so many resources to make people better and help them improve. Beyond that, they create clothing that is wear tested and built to help everyone reach their fitness goals and not be held back by what they are wearing. They support youth in sports, all body types, all genders, and all races. These are the reasons why anyone and everyone should consider using Under Armour to achieve their biggest goals and aspirations.”
Don’t let a couple of bad weeks in the New Year eliminate the potential for success for the other 11 and a half months. Re-commit, re-focus, set up a plan, surround yourself with like-minded people, and make the most out of the day ahead. Doing all of that will yield results and make you feel like that this year was different after all.