Watch the Gorgeous, Insane ‘Metal Gear Solid V’ Debut Trailer
First we saw the trailer for Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, then another for the mysterious but suspiciously Metal Gear-like The Phantom Pain. Fans everywhere were waiting for series director Hideo Kojima to reveal something, anything, about a new installment in the acclaimed series.
Last week, at the 2013 Game Developers Conference, Kojima, face covered in bandages, decided to reveal to the world the power of Konami’s new FOX Engine—by debuting the trailer for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
The trailer looks absolutely beautiful, with ridiculously detailed fabrics, faces, even trees. It’s also packed with action and suspense—explosions, strange creatures, burning hospitals, horse riders, Snake with a hook for a hand, and more explosions!
Ever since the trailer came out, fans haven’t stopped speculating about what it all means. Was that a young Ocelot on the horse helping Snake? Was that Kiefer Sutherland’s voice? Did we see a young Psycho Mantis? What’s with all the crazy supernatural creatures? Will this thing actually run on current gen systems, like the end of the trailer states?
Details remain scarce, but it seems certain that the protagonist will be Naked Snake, a.k.a. Big Boss, the hero of MGS3. Also, the game will take place after the events of the PSP game Peace Walker; use an open-world environment; and somehow combine the previously announced Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain titles. Disappointing many fans, David Hayter, Snake’s voice actor since MGS1, confirmed via tweet he will not return to the role.
Konami still hasn’t announced a release date or console list for the game.
That’s enough from me—watch the beautifully insane trailer for Metal Gear Solid V yourself!
Watch the Gorgeous, Insane ‘Metal Gear Solid V’ Debut Trailer
First we saw the trailer for Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, then another for the mysterious but suspiciously Metal Gear-like The Phantom Pain. Fans everywhere were waiting for series director Hideo Kojima to reveal something, anything, about a new installment in the acclaimed series.
Last week, at the 2013 Game Developers Conference, Kojima, face covered in bandages, decided to reveal to the world the power of Konami’s new FOX Engine—by debuting the trailer for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
The trailer looks absolutely beautiful, with ridiculously detailed fabrics, faces, even trees. It’s also packed with action and suspense—explosions, strange creatures, burning hospitals, horse riders, Snake with a hook for a hand, and more explosions!
Ever since the trailer came out, fans haven’t stopped speculating about what it all means. Was that a young Ocelot on the horse helping Snake? Was that Kiefer Sutherland’s voice? Did we see a young Psycho Mantis? What’s with all the crazy supernatural creatures? Will this thing actually run on current gen systems, like the end of the trailer states?
Details remain scarce, but it seems certain that the protagonist will be Naked Snake, a.k.a. Big Boss, the hero of MGS3. Also, the game will take place after the events of the PSP game Peace Walker; use an open-world environment; and somehow combine the previously announced Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain titles. Disappointing many fans, David Hayter, Snake’s voice actor since MGS1, confirmed via tweet he will not return to the role.
Konami still hasn’t announced a release date or console list for the game.
That’s enough from me—watch the beautifully insane trailer for Metal Gear Solid V yourself!