Mike Colter Will Play Marvel’s Luke Cage
Mike Colter will play Luke Cage in Marvel’s new Netflix series Jessica Jones, starring Krysten Ritter. Over the past few years, Colter has made a name for himself in both film and televsion. His most recent work on the big screen included a role in Zero Dark Thirty. Since 2010 he has played the character of Lemond Bishop on TV’s The Good Wife.
Besides appearing in the highly anticipated Jessica Jones, Colter will eventually star in his own Luke Cage spinoff. In the context of the Jessica Jones series, the mysterious Luke will be an important character, and the secrets he harbors from his past will have a transformative impact on superhero-turned-private eye Jessica, dramatically altering her in unexpected ways.
Luke’s backstory is intriguing. Bursting onto the Marvel scene in 1972 with his series Luke Cage, Hero for Hire, the character was an ex-con who owed his superhuman strength to experiments conducted in prison. He became involved with Jessica Jones and joined the Avengers; but in the new series, although he will be a key figure in Jones’s life, it is not yet clear whether their relationship will be romantic.
Expected to premiere in 2015, Luke Cage is the second of four Marvel shows in the works for Netflix. The others include Daredevil, starring Charlie Cox, and the yet-to-be-cast Iron Fist. A mini-series entitled The Defenders will feature Colter, along with Marvel stars Ritter, Cox and Iron Fist cast members.
Mike Colter Will Play Marvel’s Luke Cage
Mike Colter will play Luke Cage in Marvel’s new Netflix series Jessica Jones, starring Krysten Ritter. Over the past few years, Colter has made a name for himself in both film and televsion. His most recent work on the big screen included a role in Zero Dark Thirty. Since 2010 he has played the character of Lemond Bishop on TV’s The Good Wife.
Besides appearing in the highly anticipated Jessica Jones, Colter will eventually star in his own Luke Cage spinoff. In the context of the Jessica Jones series, the mysterious Luke will be an important character, and the secrets he harbors from his past will have a transformative impact on superhero-turned-private eye Jessica, dramatically altering her in unexpected ways.
Luke’s backstory is intriguing. Bursting onto the Marvel scene in 1972 with his series Luke Cage, Hero for Hire, the character was an ex-con who owed his superhuman strength to experiments conducted in prison. He became involved with Jessica Jones and joined the Avengers; but in the new series, although he will be a key figure in Jones’s life, it is not yet clear whether their relationship will be romantic.
Expected to premiere in 2015, Luke Cage is the second of four Marvel shows in the works for Netflix. The others include Daredevil, starring Charlie Cox, and the yet-to-be-cast Iron Fist. A mini-series entitled The Defenders will feature Colter, along with Marvel stars Ritter, Cox and Iron Fist cast members.