A Convenient and Effective Workout With Minimal Equipment
Trendy, state-of-the-art exercise equipment looks impressive, but sometimes the simplest tools deliver the best results.
One of my favorite workouts, which I recommend to my athletes, requires only a med ball, bench, mat and your own body weight. This 30- to 45-minute routine will improve your strength, balance, endurance and flexibility—all key components of your athletic ability. (Learn more about bodyweight training.)
You can perform this workout twice a week, or whenever you can’t make it to the gym and need a quick and convenient workout option. If you don’t have access to this equipment, substitute a phonebook for the med ball and a chair for the bench.
Walking Front Lunge and Med Ball Raise
- Assume athletic stance holding med ball at waist
- Step forward into lunge and simultaneously raise med ball overhead
- Drive up out of lunge and repeat with opposite leg
Sets/Reps: 1×10 each leg
Rest 30 seconds
Elevated Push-Ups and Plank Combo
- Place feet on bench or chair and assume push-up position with hands on mat
- Perform a Push-Up; keep back straight and core tight
- Drop to forearms and hold plank position for 10 seconds
- Return to push-up position and repeat
- Repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 1×5 each exercise
Rest 60 seconds
Wall Squat and Ball Roll-Up Combo
- Position med ball between mid-back and wall
- Lower into squat position so thighs are at 90 degrees; hold position for 45-60 seconds
- Rise out of squat
- Turn to face wall and hold med ball against wall at waist height
- Roll med ball up wall with finger tips and rise onto toes
- Roll med ball down wall and lower into squat position
- Repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 2xWall Squat + 10 Ball Roll-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
Single-Leg Ball to Toe
- Stand on right leg holding med ball overhead
- Bend over and lower med ball to touch right foot; do not allow left foot to touch ground
- Repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 1×10 each leg
Rest 30 seconds
Step-Up and Press-Out
- Place right foot flat on bench holding med ball at chest
- Fully extend right leg and drive left knee up until parallel to ground
- Simultaneously press med ball forward
- Repeat as quickly as possible
Sets/Reps: 1xmax in 30 seconds
Cool down.
A Convenient and Effective Workout With Minimal Equipment
Trendy, state-of-the-art exercise equipment looks impressive, but sometimes the simplest tools deliver the best results.
One of my favorite workouts, which I recommend to my athletes, requires only a med ball, bench, mat and your own body weight. This 30- to 45-minute routine will improve your strength, balance, endurance and flexibility—all key components of your athletic ability. (Learn more about bodyweight training.)
You can perform this workout twice a week, or whenever you can’t make it to the gym and need a quick and convenient workout option. If you don’t have access to this equipment, substitute a phonebook for the med ball and a chair for the bench.
Walking Front Lunge and Med Ball Raise
- Assume athletic stance holding med ball at waist
- Step forward into lunge and simultaneously raise med ball overhead
- Drive up out of lunge and repeat with opposite leg
Sets/Reps: 1×10 each leg
Rest 30 seconds
Elevated Push-Ups and Plank Combo
- Place feet on bench or chair and assume push-up position with hands on mat
- Perform a Push-Up; keep back straight and core tight
- Drop to forearms and hold plank position for 10 seconds
- Return to push-up position and repeat
- Repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 1×5 each exercise
Rest 60 seconds
Wall Squat and Ball Roll-Up Combo
- Position med ball between mid-back and wall
- Lower into squat position so thighs are at 90 degrees; hold position for 45-60 seconds
- Rise out of squat
- Turn to face wall and hold med ball against wall at waist height
- Roll med ball up wall with finger tips and rise onto toes
- Roll med ball down wall and lower into squat position
- Repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 2xWall Squat + 10 Ball Roll-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
Single-Leg Ball to Toe
- Stand on right leg holding med ball overhead
- Bend over and lower med ball to touch right foot; do not allow left foot to touch ground
- Repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 1×10 each leg
Rest 30 seconds
Step-Up and Press-Out
- Place right foot flat on bench holding med ball at chest
- Fully extend right leg and drive left knee up until parallel to ground
- Simultaneously press med ball forward
- Repeat as quickly as possible
Sets/Reps: 1xmax in 30 seconds
Cool down.