Build Your Own MMA Conditioning Circuit
There’s a big difference between conditioning drills and MMA conditioning drills. MMA-specific drills build your endurance and stamina in a manner that mimics the intensity of a fight, with movements that mirror MMA skills.
Several MMA skills—kicks, punches, knees, takedowns and counters—can be turned into conditioning drills. The drills build your conditioning in these specific movements, so you are able to properly execute them late in a fight.
I recommend performing the Training for Warriors System challenge to transform MMA skills into conditioning drills. The challenge involves performing a straight punch for three minutes, kicks for one minute and sit-outs for two minutes.
Straight Punch Challenge
The objective of this drill is to do as many straight punches as possible in three minutes. This builds your upper-body endurance and improves your punch accuracy when fatigued. To perform this drill, throw straight punches at a heavy bag for the specified duration.
Kick Challenge
This challenge improves total-body endurance—with a focus on the lower body and core—and kicking accuracy when fatigued. Similar to the punching challenge, kick a heavy bag for the specified duration.
Sit-Out Challenge
The sit-out is a technique used to escape from an opponent. This challenge will test your strength, endurance and core rotation. Start in push-up position with feet shoulder-width apart. Kick your right leg through under your body and out to the side while rotating your core. Make sure your leg fully extends. Return to the starting position and perform with your opposite leg. Continue for specified duration.
Watch Green Bay Packers linebacker A.J. Hawk incorporate MMA training into his workout.
Build Your Own MMA Conditioning Circuit
There’s a big difference between conditioning drills and MMA conditioning drills. MMA-specific drills build your endurance and stamina in a manner that mimics the intensity of a fight, with movements that mirror MMA skills.
Several MMA skills—kicks, punches, knees, takedowns and counters—can be turned into conditioning drills. The drills build your conditioning in these specific movements, so you are able to properly execute them late in a fight.
I recommend performing the Training for Warriors System challenge to transform MMA skills into conditioning drills. The challenge involves performing a straight punch for three minutes, kicks for one minute and sit-outs for two minutes.
Straight Punch Challenge
The objective of this drill is to do as many straight punches as possible in three minutes. This builds your upper-body endurance and improves your punch accuracy when fatigued. To perform this drill, throw straight punches at a heavy bag for the specified duration.
Kick Challenge
This challenge improves total-body endurance—with a focus on the lower body and core—and kicking accuracy when fatigued. Similar to the punching challenge, kick a heavy bag for the specified duration.
Sit-Out Challenge
The sit-out is a technique used to escape from an opponent. This challenge will test your strength, endurance and core rotation. Start in push-up position with feet shoulder-width apart. Kick your right leg through under your body and out to the side while rotating your core. Make sure your leg fully extends. Return to the starting position and perform with your opposite leg. Continue for specified duration.
Watch Green Bay Packers linebacker A.J. Hawk incorporate MMA training into his workout.