Now Hear This: Katie Couric's Interview With Drake
If you’ve yet to discover Drake’s music, you’re living in a bubble. His debut album, Thank Me Later, has dominated the air waves for most of 2010. The Canadian hip-hop artist sat down with CBS’ Katie Couric this week for a live interview as part of the anchor’s web series, “@katiecouric.” In the interview, Drake speaks about everything from his rise to success to his relationship with his mother.
Coming in at 34 minutes, the interview is well worth the time. Couric asks tough questions and even gets comical at times, but overall, she delivers one of the best interviews we’ve seen with the budding star. Pro athletes such as Boston Celtic Rajon Rondo have cited Drake as a favorite hip-hop artist. He’s definitely one of ours.
Drake’s music is available at iTunes.
Now Hear This: Katie Couric's Interview With Drake
If you’ve yet to discover Drake’s music, you’re living in a bubble. His debut album, Thank Me Later, has dominated the air waves for most of 2010. The Canadian hip-hop artist sat down with CBS’ Katie Couric this week for a live interview as part of the anchor’s web series, “@katiecouric.” In the interview, Drake speaks about everything from his rise to success to his relationship with his mother.
Coming in at 34 minutes, the interview is well worth the time. Couric asks tough questions and even gets comical at times, but overall, she delivers one of the best interviews we’ve seen with the budding star. Pro athletes such as Boston Celtic Rajon Rondo have cited Drake as a favorite hip-hop artist. He’s definitely one of ours.
Drake’s music is available at iTunes.