Partner Agility Races
If you’re a lugging post player or a guard whose feet seem encased in concrete, it’s time to review your speed training. Below, Dr. Marcus Elliott of Peak Performance Project doles out a bonus speed drill to address your lack of court finesse and help you market your game to recruiters.
Partner Agility Races
Setup: Place one marker five yards from start line and another ten yards from start line // Grab a teammate with similar speed and agility
*Drill is performed simultaneously with each person performing different movements.
Movement 1
• Line up at starting line
• On command, sprint 10 yards, touch line with hand
• Sprint back to start, touch line with hand
• Finish by sprinting through 5-yard marker
Sequence: Sprint 10-10-5
Movement 2
• Line up in backpedal position at 5-yard marker so back is toward 10-yard marker
• On command, backpedal five yards, touch line
• Sprint forward 10 yards, touch line
• Finish by backpedaling through start line
Sequence: Backpedal 5, sprint 10, backpedal 5
*Perform drill 8-10 times, switching roles after each set
Coaching Points: Touch line with hands by lowering your entire body // Use proper running mechanics // Maintain similar 45-degree trunk angle while sprinting and backpedaling // Avoid raising your torso while backpedaling
Benefits: Creates nimble feet to cover large areas quickly // Allows for dramatic shifts on the hardwood
Read more about Dr. Elliott’s Peak Performance Project at
Whether you’re driving the lane or raining 3s, make sure you’re doing it in the latest basketball shoes and basketball clothing.
Partner Agility Races
If you’re a lugging post player or a guard whose feet seem encased in concrete, it’s time to review your speed training. Below, Dr. Marcus Elliott of Peak Performance Project doles out a bonus speed drill to address your lack of court finesse and help you market your game to recruiters.
Partner Agility Races
Setup: Place one marker five yards from start line and another ten yards from start line // Grab a teammate with similar speed and agility
*Drill is performed simultaneously with each person performing different movements.
Movement 1
• Line up at starting line
• On command, sprint 10 yards, touch line with hand
• Sprint back to start, touch line with hand
• Finish by sprinting through 5-yard marker
Sequence: Sprint 10-10-5
Movement 2
• Line up in backpedal position at 5-yard marker so back is toward 10-yard marker
• On command, backpedal five yards, touch line
• Sprint forward 10 yards, touch line
• Finish by backpedaling through start line
Sequence: Backpedal 5, sprint 10, backpedal 5
*Perform drill 8-10 times, switching roles after each set
Coaching Points: Touch line with hands by lowering your entire body // Use proper running mechanics // Maintain similar 45-degree trunk angle while sprinting and backpedaling // Avoid raising your torso while backpedaling
Benefits: Creates nimble feet to cover large areas quickly // Allows for dramatic shifts on the hardwood
Read more about Dr. Elliott’s Peak Performance Project at
Whether you’re driving the lane or raining 3s, make sure you’re doing it in the latest basketball shoes and basketball clothing.