PlayStation 4 to Launch in February?
If you follow PlayStation on Facebook and Twitter, you may have seen this mysterious message on Thursday evening: “See the future.” Attached was a link to a website featuring an equally vague video. At the end of the post, the following date was displayed: February 20, 2013.
What does it all mean?
The popular theory suggests that Sony plans to launch PlayStation 4, or whatever the next console will be called (it’s currently codenamed “Orbis”). The cross, square, circle, and triangle symbols featured in the video hint as much, in that those shapes are used to designate face buttons on the PlayStation controller.
In addition, PDF documents were leaked to the media earlier this month detailing specs of the current game development kit, a possible new controller, and a new account management system.
IGN contacted Sony, but all they learned was that the event on Feb. 20 “will be about the future of the PlayStation business” and will take place in New York City.
Microsoft is also expected to launch a new console this year, but there’s speculation about which company will make the first move. Sony CEO Kaz Hirai has announced his company will let Microsoft make the first move, saying “Why go first, when your competitors can look at your specifications and come up with something better?”
However, the PS3’s relatively late launch—a year after the Xbox 360—left them trailing behind for a few years. But although they’ve recently caught up to Microsoft, it’s entirely possible that Sony won’t run the same play twice for the PlayStation 4.
Fans can join in on the speculation with the hashatag “#playstation2013” or sign up to receive an announcement through the video’s website.
PlayStation 4 to Launch in February?
If you follow PlayStation on Facebook and Twitter, you may have seen this mysterious message on Thursday evening: “See the future.” Attached was a link to a website featuring an equally vague video. At the end of the post, the following date was displayed: February 20, 2013.
What does it all mean?
The popular theory suggests that Sony plans to launch PlayStation 4, or whatever the next console will be called (it’s currently codenamed “Orbis”). The cross, square, circle, and triangle symbols featured in the video hint as much, in that those shapes are used to designate face buttons on the PlayStation controller.
In addition, PDF documents were leaked to the media earlier this month detailing specs of the current game development kit, a possible new controller, and a new account management system.
IGN contacted Sony, but all they learned was that the event on Feb. 20 “will be about the future of the PlayStation business” and will take place in New York City.
Microsoft is also expected to launch a new console this year, but there’s speculation about which company will make the first move. Sony CEO Kaz Hirai has announced his company will let Microsoft make the first move, saying “Why go first, when your competitors can look at your specifications and come up with something better?”
However, the PS3’s relatively late launch—a year after the Xbox 360—left them trailing behind for a few years. But although they’ve recently caught up to Microsoft, it’s entirely possible that Sony won’t run the same play twice for the PlayStation 4.
Fans can join in on the speculation with the hashatag “#playstation2013” or sign up to receive an announcement through the video’s website.