Make Gains With This Post-Workout Shake Recipe
One of the clichés about the importance of diet for achieving fitness goals is “90% diet, 10% workout.” Regardless of the percentages, all you need to know is that it is absolutely critical to maintain a well-balanced diet and to obtain the necessary nutrients to supplement your workout and sporting endeavors.
The human body stores glycogen (a form of carbohydrate) in the muscles and liver. After an intense workout, glycogen levels are depleted, which can slow down recovery and force the body to search for energy elsewhere, especially from the muscles. So, in order to reap gains from your training and set yourself up for optimal performance in future workouts, it is essential to replenish glycogen stores after a workout.
The most efficient way to accomplish this is to add carbohydrate to your post-workout nutrition shake. Consume about 100 grams of carbohydrate and 25-30 grams of protein within 30 minutes following a moderate to high-intensity workout.
Here is a recipe for a post-workout recovery drink that will supplement your workouts and provide your body with the appropriate nutrients it needs to recover. Find more recipes on STACK’s Post-Workout Nutrition page.
- 15g peanut butter (approximately 2 tablespoons)
- 400 ml fat-free milk
- 2 bananas
- 2 egg whites
- 50g instant oats
- 30g whey protein power (if available)
Blend thoroughly and remember to consume within 30 minutes after your workout.
Check out these other post-workout shake recipes:
Breakfast Recovery Shake
Chocolate-Peanut Butter Shake
Tony Gonzalez’s Protein Shake
Make Gains With This Post-Workout Shake Recipe
One of the clichés about the importance of diet for achieving fitness goals is “90% diet, 10% workout.” Regardless of the percentages, all you need to know is that it is absolutely critical to maintain a well-balanced diet and to obtain the necessary nutrients to supplement your workout and sporting endeavors.
The human body stores glycogen (a form of carbohydrate) in the muscles and liver. After an intense workout, glycogen levels are depleted, which can slow down recovery and force the body to search for energy elsewhere, especially from the muscles. So, in order to reap gains from your training and set yourself up for optimal performance in future workouts, it is essential to replenish glycogen stores after a workout.
The most efficient way to accomplish this is to add carbohydrate to your post-workout nutrition shake. Consume about 100 grams of carbohydrate and 25-30 grams of protein within 30 minutes following a moderate to high-intensity workout.
Here is a recipe for a post-workout recovery drink that will supplement your workouts and provide your body with the appropriate nutrients it needs to recover. Find more recipes on STACK’s Post-Workout Nutrition page.
- 15g peanut butter (approximately 2 tablespoons)
- 400 ml fat-free milk
- 2 bananas
- 2 egg whites
- 50g instant oats
- 30g whey protein power (if available)
Blend thoroughly and remember to consume within 30 minutes after your workout.
Check out these other post-workout shake recipes:
Breakfast Recovery Shake
Chocolate-Peanut Butter Shake
Tony Gonzalez’s Protein Shake