Rap News Rundown: Trinidad James, Chief Keef, DMX
In this edition of Rap News Rundown, Trinidad James is arrested, Chief Keef picks up a lawsuit, and the controversial boxing match between DMX and George Zimmerman gets canceled.
Trinidad James Arrested in Mississippi
Trinidad James was arrested in Mississippi on Friday for possession of marijuana. According to reports, the rapper was caught allegedly smoking pot in a Holiday Inn hotel room in Batesville, Miss., after employees complained about the odor. The arrest might not cause much legal trouble for James. MTV reported the state usually imposes a fine between $100 and $250 for a first offense of marijuana possession involving 30 grams or less.
Chief Keef Sued for Bailing on Cancer Charity Concert
Chief Keef is on the receiving end of a lawsuit for bailing on a cancer charity concert. Cleveland company Kim Productions claims it paid the controversial rapper a $15,000 deposit to appear at the RapCure benefit last summer, with an agreement that an additional $10,000 would be paid after he performed at the event. On the the day before the benefit, Keef demanded $2,500 more to cover his travel expenses. The promoter forked over the extra money, but Keef failed to show up on time. As a result, the show was canceled and patrons got their money back. Kim Productions is asking for $26,000. Thus far, Keef’s camp has not responded to the allegations.
In other news, Chief Keef is collaborating with fellow Chicagoan Kanye West on his upcoming project.
“Celebrity Fight” Between DMX & George Zimmerman Called Off
The planned fight between rapper DMX and George Zimmerman, the man who fatally shot Trayvon Martin, has been canceled. The highly controversial event was pulled by promoter Damon Feldman via a rambling set of tweets. Feldman wrote, “The George Zimmerman fight is canceled. I’m sorry for anyone I hurt with this, but this was a very big opportunity. It was my decision to cancel the George Zimmerman fight. It was worth a lot of money to me, but people’s feelings meant more to me.”
A rep for DMX responded to the cancellation with a statement that the New York rapper never officially agreed to participate in the event. “This situation will not affect any of DMX’s upcoming concerts in America or around the world,” read the statement.
Rap News Rundown: Trinidad James, Chief Keef, DMX
In this edition of Rap News Rundown, Trinidad James is arrested, Chief Keef picks up a lawsuit, and the controversial boxing match between DMX and George Zimmerman gets canceled.
Trinidad James Arrested in Mississippi
Trinidad James was arrested in Mississippi on Friday for possession of marijuana. According to reports, the rapper was caught allegedly smoking pot in a Holiday Inn hotel room in Batesville, Miss., after employees complained about the odor. The arrest might not cause much legal trouble for James. MTV reported the state usually imposes a fine between $100 and $250 for a first offense of marijuana possession involving 30 grams or less.
Chief Keef Sued for Bailing on Cancer Charity Concert
Chief Keef is on the receiving end of a lawsuit for bailing on a cancer charity concert. Cleveland company Kim Productions claims it paid the controversial rapper a $15,000 deposit to appear at the RapCure benefit last summer, with an agreement that an additional $10,000 would be paid after he performed at the event. On the the day before the benefit, Keef demanded $2,500 more to cover his travel expenses. The promoter forked over the extra money, but Keef failed to show up on time. As a result, the show was canceled and patrons got their money back. Kim Productions is asking for $26,000. Thus far, Keef’s camp has not responded to the allegations.
In other news, Chief Keef is collaborating with fellow Chicagoan Kanye West on his upcoming project.
“Celebrity Fight” Between DMX & George Zimmerman Called Off
The planned fight between rapper DMX and George Zimmerman, the man who fatally shot Trayvon Martin, has been canceled. The highly controversial event was pulled by promoter Damon Feldman via a rambling set of tweets. Feldman wrote, “The George Zimmerman fight is canceled. I’m sorry for anyone I hurt with this, but this was a very big opportunity. It was my decision to cancel the George Zimmerman fight. It was worth a lot of money to me, but people’s feelings meant more to me.”
A rep for DMX responded to the cancellation with a statement that the New York rapper never officially agreed to participate in the event. “This situation will not affect any of DMX’s upcoming concerts in America or around the world,” read the statement.