STACK Tests: RockTape
As an athlete, you know that hard training means sore muscles. To recover faster, athletes like Olympic Silver Medalist in the 400 Hurdles Lashinda Demus and Tour de France winner/Olympic Gold Medalist Bradley Wiggins use RockTape kinesiology tape, topical pain reliever and pH-balancing tablets during events and after workouts. Each RockTape product promises to boost power and help improve performance by decreasing fatigue. Do they live up to their claims?
Made from a cotton/nylon blend, the adhesive tape is designed to lift skin from the soft tissue underneath so blood can move into injured areas to accelerate recovery. Learn how to apply the tape for different types of injuries and sore muscles through videos on the ROCKTAPE website.
Although we can’t prove that RockTape lives up to its claim of being the strongest, stickiest kinesiology tape on the market, we’re happy to report that the tape held up strong during several sweaty workouts. It came in especially handy when an old tennis elbow injury flared up.[youtube video=”9F2PBjRj27A” /]
Rock Sauce
Rock Sauce is a warming lotion that’s marketed as the only topical pain reliever designed to work with kinesiology tape. The website claims Rock Sauce is perfect for isolated muscle pain and joint soreness, so we tried it on a bad case of shin splits. The immediate burning/tingling sensation raised some alarms at first, but after awhile, the lotion worked its magic. By the next day, the pain had subsided.[youtube video=”GIKRqG0Dyr0″ /]
pHast Legs
Even the healthiest athlete can’t eat all high pH foods, since so many common items—like coffee, pasta and even some fruits—are acidic. High acid in the blood prevents nutrients from entering cell tissue, delaying recovery and causing muscles to burn. pHast Legs claims to increase the blood’s ability to naturally remove waste and speed recovery. (Read more on the research here). It’s been clinically tested and approved, so it’s safe for consumption. Over the course of a week, STACK tested pHast Legs, and our performance stayed consistent throughout the week.
Learn more about RockTape products and order yours through
STACK Tests: RockTape
As an athlete, you know that hard training means sore muscles. To recover faster, athletes like Olympic Silver Medalist in the 400 Hurdles Lashinda Demus and Tour de France winner/Olympic Gold Medalist Bradley Wiggins use RockTape kinesiology tape, topical pain reliever and pH-balancing tablets during events and after workouts. Each RockTape product promises to boost power and help improve performance by decreasing fatigue. Do they live up to their claims?
Made from a cotton/nylon blend, the adhesive tape is designed to lift skin from the soft tissue underneath so blood can move into injured areas to accelerate recovery. Learn how to apply the tape for different types of injuries and sore muscles through videos on the ROCKTAPE website.
Although we can’t prove that RockTape lives up to its claim of being the strongest, stickiest kinesiology tape on the market, we’re happy to report that the tape held up strong during several sweaty workouts. It came in especially handy when an old tennis elbow injury flared up.[youtube video=”9F2PBjRj27A” /]
Rock Sauce
Rock Sauce is a warming lotion that’s marketed as the only topical pain reliever designed to work with kinesiology tape. The website claims Rock Sauce is perfect for isolated muscle pain and joint soreness, so we tried it on a bad case of shin splits. The immediate burning/tingling sensation raised some alarms at first, but after awhile, the lotion worked its magic. By the next day, the pain had subsided.[youtube video=”GIKRqG0Dyr0″ /]
pHast Legs
Even the healthiest athlete can’t eat all high pH foods, since so many common items—like coffee, pasta and even some fruits—are acidic. High acid in the blood prevents nutrients from entering cell tissue, delaying recovery and causing muscles to burn. pHast Legs claims to increase the blood’s ability to naturally remove waste and speed recovery. (Read more on the research here). It’s been clinically tested and approved, so it’s safe for consumption. Over the course of a week, STACK tested pHast Legs, and our performance stayed consistent throughout the week.
Learn more about RockTape products and order yours through